View Full Version : Forum Registration

12-05-2012, 12:57 AM
Send your request by email to tsbforum@shopbottools.com. Include the following

User Name (This will appear on posts so some version of your real name or company name is suggested:
Your name:
What you make (or plan to make) with the ShopBot:

We've had to suspend the regular registration method due to a high number of spam registration attempts clogging up the system. You'll get a quick response acknowledging your email. Check your junk/spam box if it doesn't appear, Most requests are approved within 24hr. If you have questions, contact the forum admin.

Mark Wolf
11-08-2017, 09:37 PM
User Name (This will appear on posts so some version of your real name or company name is suggested:
Email: mwolf@nvc.net
Your name: Mark Wolf
Location: Aberdeen, SD
Company: Custom Quality Woodworking
What you make (or plan to make) with the ShopBot: Have been making 2D parts for cabinets. Now want to begin making 3D objects