View Full Version : "Rogue" Y axis......

09-05-1999, 04:33 PM
I have just re-assembled my machine after moving into my new shop. I took extra care to get the machine square, and I had carefully labeled every connection prior to the move. I've just completed all of my connections, and the X and Z axes are running smoothly. However when I try to make a move in the Y axis, it not only goes in the opposite direction of my instruction, but it also will NOT stop! So if I tell it to go 4", it starts in the MINUS direction, and keeps going until I hit the space bar to avoid a wipeout. Does anyone have any ideas about what could have happened in the reconnection? I never changed anything in the control box, all I did was to re-plug in the wires/encoders ( I have a year old cable drive machine).
While i'm at it, is there a recommended calibration technique to run at this point? (or actually after I get the Y axis straightened out..)Thanks..Bill P.

09-05-1999, 11:26 PM

If I had to venture a guess, it would be that your
encoder lines on your Y axis are swapped.

I had similar problems with I tried to renable the
encoders on my machine (axis running backwards and
not stopping).

If that does not work, make sure the cable wraps
around the driver pulley in the correct direction
(unfortunately, I cannont remember which direction
that is).

Lastly, if all else fails, try swaping the black
and the green while on the Y axis stepper motor.
That should make the motor turn in the opposite

If all the above (do only one at a time otherwise
each "suggestion" with counteract the first) fails
try getting ahold of a true "ShopBot" person on
the phone cause you got gremlins in your machine.

Bruce Clark
bwclark@centuryinter.net (mailto:bwclark@centuryinter.net)

Ted Hall, ShopBot
09-06-1999, 08:59 PM
Hi Bill,

I'm thinking that the orientation of something has changed in your reassembly configuration. OK. First things first ... Zero everything out somewhere in the middle of the table. Issue an [MY] 1 Command in Absolute Mode. Does the Y axis -physically- move in the right direction or the wrong.

-If the Y goes the wrong way, the motor direction has somehow gotten changed. I don't know how ?? You change the motor direction by reversing the green and black wires on the connector going into the box as Bruce indicated.

-If the Y axis physically goes the correct direction, but the display shows the wrong direction (it will be showing negative in either case I expect), then your encoder has gotten reversed. One way this can easily happen is if you have the encoder chain going around the sprocket in the opposite direction than before (e.g. under rather than over). If that is not the explanation, you can change the direction of the Y encoder by reversing the two encoder wires in the control box for the Y encoder.

The reason the tool is not stopping is that the encoder is telling the computer that it is not getting where it is supposed to go and letting it continue to try. It's not getting a 'stalled' or jammed signal because it -is- moving. Thus, the fundamental problem is that the motor and encoder are set up backwards to each other now. It's just a matter of figuring out which one is correct.

09-07-1999, 04:46 PM
Thanks Bruce/Ted. I went back and checked the variables you both pointed out, and wound up switching the green/black wires. That did the trick!I don't understand at what point the machine decided it liked that arrangement better, but it seems to be happy again...
While I'm improving my machine, does anyone know what material is now being used in place of that stupid folding soffit vent, for a "wire guide"? I saw the new stuff at the Boat Show, but forgot to pin down Chris as to what it was...

08-23-2003, 03:25 AM
My NEW shopbot has arrived this week, and I have successfully put it together
It is very smooth and works very well. All except, that is, the extra Y motor assembly I ordered.
Shopbot did not include any further special instructions for connecting this motor. I assume that it plugs into the last plug on the board in the control box, but this does not work the motor. I have tested the motor on another Y plug and it is fine.
Shopbot said that they would wire up the bot specially for my request.
There is no other obvious place for the plug to go. I have disconnected the motor and it is currently removed from the machine, so I can make stuff. But I want to connect it up.
Anyone know how to go from here.
PS they included an extra - extra accessory cable, as well as 2 Y cables . I am at a loss as to where this one might go. I tried substituting this one for the Y but to no avail.
I have contacted them direct, but I dont expect a reply till after the weekend. Hopefully some of you guys can help.

08-23-2003, 07:32 AM
It does indeed plug into the last port on the bottom of the driver board. There is also a question of the DIP switches for that port being set properly to drive the extra Y motor as that port can be used to drive several different options. They do have someone who checks support on the weekends usually by e-mail I think. I also have the extra Y motor and had to change the DIP switch setting. By the way, it's a very good upgrade!


08-23-2003, 07:36 AM
Simon, you could get a lot of guesses from guys as to where the wires go - don't be tempted to listen to any of them!

Your machine is a non-standard "special" - only the factory can tell you what to do. Plus their warranty will probably expire if you followed amateur advice here.

08-23-2003, 10:53 AM
Oops, Eric, I didn't see you slipping in there while I was typing with one finger. My post was in no way a response to yours - sorry.

Here (http://www.talkshopbot.com/forum/messages/26/1153.html?) is some info on the DIP switches. Look at Ted Hall's post in particular.

08-23-2003, 05:19 PM
Thanks to all who posted/emailed. I followed the logic of the little switches, and got the extra Y I wanted on the accessory plug.
You guys would not believe how much smoother the thing runs! No more oscillations on the flexy Y axis as the unpowered side takes up the assymetric stress. This should be a standard fitting.
