View Full Version : Control Box Upgrade
01-06-2013, 07:40 PM
My Buddy Standard uses a desktop computer case to house the control electronics and keeping chips and dust out of it is a constant problem. The "dust" cover that came with the Bot gave up the ghost after too many moves so I'm wondering if anyone has moved their electronics to a better enclosure kind of like the ones for the Alphas. I checked with ShopBot some time back about purchasing one of these new style enclosures but their price was way too steep.
Brady Watson
01-06-2013, 08:02 PM
You can use your Bot to make your own filtered box. I have seen many customers make a plywood box with provisions for Filtrete-type pleated furnace filters (the ones that do 5 microns or less) to slide in and filter the air. You might want to go that way...You can make it as simple or ornate as you like.
01-07-2013, 11:25 AM
I had considered the box within a filtered box direction but didn't really like the idea that much. I was hoping someone had come up with a more suitable metal enclosure that I could easily adapt and move the electronics into.
I'm guessing that is what you were implying with the link you posted, looks like there are some very nice metal boxes fully sealed in the $300 range which I am considering to be much more reasonable. Granted I would have to make certain modifications for filtered airflow and a way to seal cable entry but that's quite easy. Thanks!
01-07-2013, 11:27 AM
Do you need an airflow through the box?
The alpha control boxes are completely sealed when closed and have fins on the back to dissipate the heat.
01-07-2013, 06:05 PM
Yes I will need airflow thru the box as my version of the Shopbot uses a computer power supply to power some of the electronics which by default is cooling everything to a degree.
Brady Watson
01-07-2013, 07:24 PM
I had considered the box within a filtered box direction but didn't really like the idea that much. I was hoping someone had come up with a more suitable metal enclosure that I could easily adapt and move the electronics into.
You can cut one out of Dibond or aluminum if you are stuck on the 'It's gotta be metal' thing. You cannot 'convert' that style control box to a sealed enclosure. The stepper drivers, 5/12v ATX power supply, and stepper power supply all require airflow in order to properly cool. If you seal it off totally, you are going to smoke something in the box. SB probably quoted you a brand new RBK sealed box, which would completely replace everything you currently have, including electronics.
If you are not up to making your own box, you have some Googling ahead of you to find something that matches your vision of what it should look like, and that has proper filtration. You need a good bit of ventilation in that box, so make sure you get or make something that is up to the task. The path of least to just make your own, with replacement filters that make the most sense to you - or, step up the maintenance schedule to blow out the box every Friday with compressed air etc. Industrial type cabinets with filtration are prohibitively expensive...
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