View Full Version : I R2 building a robot.
Doug Haffner
01-14-2013, 09:42 AM
I thought it was time to force myself to learn some techniques I haven't used on my ShopBot. I have always wanted a little shop helper, I found some plans on the internet and joined a couple groups to begin work on building my own little R2D2 droid.
I'm planning on leaving this one static, so I won't be adding motors and remote control ability or anything. He'll light up and beep, though.
Thus far, it's 100% cnc, including the frame, 3d parts...all of it.
I have pulled most of the 3D parts from a very good sketchup model.
I began with some vectors to cut out the leg shapes:
I also started carving some 3D parts for the legs.
Sometimes, to test how something would work or carve, I've run a test in pink foam. Once I know it's ok- I carve it in scrap HDU (I own a sign shop) or pvc or wood.
Doug Haffner
01-14-2013, 09:46 AM
Next up:
I built a frame from wood for the body. The plans for that frame came from a the R2 builder's club...a guy named Mike Senna created them, but I had to vectorize those plans to use on the Bot.
The body is wrapped in pvc "skins". There is an inner skin and outer skin. Here is a picture of the inner skin on front. It was done in 1mm pvc.
Doug Haffner
01-14-2013, 09:49 AM
Over the weekend, I attached all 4 skins, and carved up several more parts in 3D. You can see that I have several brands of HDU in different sizes. I'm using scrap and keeping my cost very low on this fella.
Now I'll finish the 3D parts for the body (just a few to go) and then start work on the triangular feet. All in all, it's gone pretty smooth. I work on it a little bit each day between jobs.
That is too cool . how long has it taken so far? cant wait to see it completed
01-14-2013, 12:22 PM
That is so cool! I can't wait to see the final poduct. What a great sample to have in your office to show customers 'it ain't just wood'! Great job and thanks for the photo essay. I appreciate your work as I have TRIED to use 1mm sintra and I just can't get it to work for me, so 3mm and 6mm is what works. This month I am working on my vacuum system so when done I will try again with the 1mm stuff. Great thread thanks. Russ
01-14-2013, 12:35 PM
That is as nicely crafted as any cabinet i've seen guys build on here:D
My question you have any kids? because i can see you might have enough room for an average 6 year old to fit inside!:eek:
good job:)
Doug Haffner
01-14-2013, 02:27 PM
I have been surprised at how fast it has gone. I've been working on it just under a week...not full time. A piece here and there. I think it's going to slow a little once I get to the dome...but we'll see.
My 10 year old won't fit in it, but she has told me that I better keep it once it's done. I'm kind of notorious for giving away projects, and she wanted to be sure this one stays here.
Bob Eustace
01-14-2013, 03:44 PM
Absolutely brilliant project Doug. Look forward to seeing it finished.
Brian Harnett
01-14-2013, 05:23 PM
Really nice, make sure to keep posting.
01-15-2013, 07:39 PM
That is very cool! Lots of complex parts from the looks of things...
Doug Haffner
01-15-2013, 11:56 PM
They seem complex, but really aren't. I was very concerned about how hard all this was going to be, but it turns out if you just break it down into small pieces, it's not bad. I carve one or two pieces a takes maybe an hour. In a couple more days, I have to start thinking about the dome. More pics soon...
Doug Haffner
01-18-2013, 01:07 AM
I was told my upper vent was wrong, so I fixed it with a re-carve of that piece. I also worked on the two little blue "utility arms". I also carved a small rounded piece for the bottoms of the legs.
Today I did a little more priming and painting after I returned to the shop from a mural I'm finishing at a local business. He's starting to look more and more familiar:
That upper vent was driving me crazy. Good thing you took care of it.
(What the heck was wrong with it?)
Doug Haffner
01-18-2013, 09:09 AM
The original looked just like the one on bottom....but the top actually has fewer "slats" and they go all the way across. I figured I'd get something wrong on this...which is why Lord Vader said he was disturbed by my lack of faith.
01-18-2013, 03:57 PM
Thanks for the inspiration!
Doug Haffner
01-24-2013, 03:28 PM
Last weekend and early this week, I spent some time cleaning up the filling and priming and painting. Same with some of the other parts. Now it's time to start thinking about those feet so this little guy can stand on something.
The very professional and amazing folks at the R2 Builder's club really do a much better job at making these droids than I do...I'm not trying to make him move, so building him static is both easier..and harder. I'm also trying to carve all of the parts, which is a challenge.
I'll post the feet soon..then it's on to the dome. That's the big challenge for me. I could buy something not too expensive, but I plan to take a stab at doing it myself.
In my case, were there no ShopBot here....there'd be no droid.
01-24-2013, 07:03 PM
Awesome, thanks for taking the time to share.
Doug Haffner
01-30-2013, 06:56 PM
I got some more done on him between a mural and preperations for 3 new client signs....
I cut out the pieces and assembled the feet covers (the weight of the robot will fall on an inner wooden frame that holds the wheels he sits and moves on).
I also started carving more of the details for the lower leg. This is a piece that sits on the "ankle" When I can, I like to use scrap HDU and keep the cost low!
A little primer and paint, and it's a test fit on the leg.
While at the local big box store, I picked up some items I won't make on the cnc...these are braided hose that go on R2's feet (connecting the feet to an inner shape inside the legs)
A quick spray paint of bronze, and they're the right color.
01-30-2013, 10:13 PM
Thanks for keeping us updated on this, Doug. It's looking fantastic!
Doug Haffner
02-04-2013, 09:04 PM
I made progress over the weekend...
First, I carved up all the pieces for a portion of the droid commonly called the "skirt". I have R2 upside down to attach it here:
Next I worked on the structure for another set of parts called the "Battery Boxes" which are attached to the inner feet (under the skirt). I still need to carve some thin pvc to cover them (skin). In this photo one of them is attached to the foot on the left side.
I also had to create the wooden frame that will hold the wheels. This frame is hidden inside the "shells" made for the feet. The wooden structure and wheels will take on the weight of the body and legs. I have one temporarily bolted to a leg in this picture. The foot shell is sitting on the floor beside it.
Should be able to assemble the body tomorrow. Then it's on to the dome.
Doug Haffner
02-05-2013, 01:54 PM
I did a test fit on the whole body this morning. Other than hooking up the battery boxes and hoses on the feet, it's coming along. Time to start working on that dome...
02-05-2013, 02:55 PM
Are ya' ready to start takin' orders yet! :D Looks absolutely terrific! Great job. Russ
02-05-2013, 04:13 PM
OMG, I sure hope my 6 year old son doesn't see this. I'll be in deep trouble. I think this is the best project I've ever seen. That is simply amazing. AWESOME!!
I made the mistake of showing him the star wars bedroom that someone did on here and I haven't heard anything else since.
Doug Haffner
02-11-2013, 03:29 PM
I made the dome by taking the sketchup model of R2 and pulling out the dome. I had to close a bunch of holes after removing the radar eyes and hologram projector. I then sliced the dome into 6 pieces and carved them in 2" pink foam.
It was primed and then got a couple coats of bondo:
I carved all the dome parts and painted them. Most were from Azek brand pvc sheeting:
I painted him up and hurried off to a woodworking show in St.Louis where ShopBot and CarveWright were attending. He was pretty popular with the kids at the show.
I got back last night and this morning I decided I'd rather have him a little dirty, like in the original Star Wars.
It turns out that having all that HDU and PVC scrap from sign making can be useful for something!
02-11-2013, 06:32 PM
In your 2nd to last picture I like the 2 star wars models you made. The R2D2 looks good, but the design and work on the "young Luke Skywalker" model is so life like! The only thing i might have a criticism on is his costume is not of the proper period.:eek:
Somehow I think making THAT 3D model was a bit more fun huh?:D GREAT JOB!
02-11-2013, 08:34 PM
First, let me say bravo! This has been a fun project to see coming together. The level of detail is excellent -- including the dirt you decided to add.
Secondly, anyone else notice the "miracle" in the photo with the young boy? It's not as obvious as the Joe Montana stain in the Super Bowl commercial, but the reflection on the dome really looks like Mickey Mouse -- and didn't Disney just buy the Star Wars franchise?
Now that's a level of detail that's hard to beat!
02-11-2013, 08:58 PM
Doug, what a great job! It's so fun to see what you create!
Doug Haffner
02-13-2013, 06:01 PM
Thanks all. He was really a challenge and a way for me to force myself to figure out things on the bot. I was cutting wood, pvc, hdu....quite a workout.
I was cutting profiles, pockets, 3D...great way to get into so many things.
03-08-2013, 12:43 AM
This is so cool! Keep posting.
Brian Harnett
03-08-2013, 08:12 AM
Great job on all of it.
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