View Full Version : violin blank again but with 1/2 bit

01-16-2013, 05:53 PM
this time i ran the blank with a 1/2 bit and the internal cut with a 1/4 bit ,this design of bits is good worth a try
Its a clean cut and smooth

the diagram was scanned from a text and ediited with iullustrator and a bit more editting in aspire and a toolpath was created.
I tried 3 software packages and illustrator and vector magic were the best to get this image on the table for cutting

here is wher i bought the bits from:

FS Tool Corporation
71 Hobbs Gate
Markham, ON Canada
L3R 9T9
Tel: 905 475-1999
Toll-free: 800 387-9723
Fax: 905 475-6474
Toll-free: 800 361-5010

01-16-2013, 11:24 PM
What is the thinking behind the unusual hooked end?

01-17-2013, 09:45 AM
It is different ,it must be something in the design and one person out there wrote me and mentioned to always have the bit in that much or it will damage the cutter ,in other words don't cut 1/8 .
Seeems to work though ,the 1/2 cutter i can run at a very high feed rate and its not hard on the router (but i don't its my machine,i want it to be around for awhile)

01-17-2013, 03:25 PM
It allows overly deep cuts for the bit diameter?

01-17-2013, 10:49 PM
it was advertised at max feed and deep cut and is not hard on the cnc machine ,well i am afraid to push it beyond 175in/sec(can go 250) as the machine is mine to live with for awhile
Here is another test --first with a standard 1/4 end mill then the new design 1/2 bit and i was fooling around with the feed ,would like to take it to the max
i am still chicken


but it does cut