View Full Version : Pinewood Derby Help!
01-21-2013, 09:21 AM
I have had my PRS 48-96 for about a month now. I am methodically going through tutorials and learning step by step. I've done several carvings and a few of the sample projects all with mostly great results. It's Pinewood Derby time and I would like to use this as an opportunity to learn the 3D cutting and file setup process.
The problem is I am no where near ready to start from scratch in Aspire and create a file that would fit within the Pinewood Derby rules for the car. I am asking/hoping that someone would share a file with me for a Derby car in Aspire. It doesn't have to be fancy just as long as it fits the size requirements. Working with an existing file will allow me to learn the process much faster my making minor modifications and testing the results.
Also any suggestions/ideas are greatly welcomed!
01-21-2013, 07:32 PM
i am just getting ready to try my first pinewood derby car, What I did to create the prat file was start by drawing a rectangle that matched the block size and also created rectangle to match the precut grooves for the axels.(In some places you are free to move the axel locations where ever you want but in our district you may not) Then I created lines and curves to build the shape of my car. As long as everything stays inside the original rectangle and you are mindful to retain you wheel spacing your good to go.
01-21-2013, 11:23 PM
I made this last year for a friend and it was the first time I ever used Partworks 3D. I didn't even have a ballnose bit at that time and so I used a v carve bit and did lots of sanding. I just found a sketchup model on "3D Warehouse" and then changed the proportions accordingly and cleaned it up a bit. I then exported it as a .stl file so that I could cut it in Partworks 3D. I would give you the file but I can't find it:o
01-22-2013, 09:20 AM
You guys seem awful old to be in the boy scouts. Oh! you're not in the boy scouts. I could be wrong but isn't this supposed to be a project completed by the scout himself. What are you teaching the boy? Win at all costs. Not one of you even mentions a boy scout, so I am assuming this contest is only for adults to use expensive CNC machines to compete against honest boys who actually make there own cars.
Sorry just a rant about a pet peeve of mine.
01-22-2013, 09:43 AM
Thanks for the tips! Gary I couldn't agree with you more on the competition itself. This is our first year so I am not sure how competitive the "big kids" are going to be. I am not looking for the fasest race car this side of the mississippi, simply thought that it would be a fun project for my son and I to do together and an excellent chance for me to expand my knowledge of my machine. I do know that some pack's have adult divisions where the grownups go a little over board which I suppose is justified because the Scouts is a lifetime program for some.
Either way, thanks for the help I am going to give it a whirl in Aspire and see if I can make something that rolls.
01-22-2013, 12:31 PM
Most troops have two divisions, one that is for the kids and the other is for the 'KIDS'! :D Our troop is no exception! Russ
01-22-2013, 07:10 PM
You guys seem awful old to be in the boy scouts. Oh! you're not in the boy scouts. I could be wrong but isn't this supposed to be a project completed by the scout himself. What are you teaching the boy? Win at all costs. Not one of you even mentions a boy scout, so I am assuming this contest is only for adults to use expensive CNC machines to compete against honest boys who actually make there own cars.
Sorry just a rant about a pet peeve of mine.
Don't worry too much Gary;). The picture I posted was one we made for the Adults in the "Outlaw" class. The scouts still did the old bandsaw and router table.
01-23-2013, 10:42 AM
Many years ago a guy that worked for me had 5 sons. As each son came of age the father brought the wood block in for me to cut as he did not have tools at home. He then brought the axels and wheels in for me to machine and smooth out. Then I pocketed out the area near the front axel for the lead weights. The only part the boy did was to paint the car and go to race night where he of course won. Oh by the way this lucky family stored the track in the off season for the troop. How convenient.This was repeated for each son. They stayed undefeated for many years. This was very unfair to the rest of the boys in the troop. When my son was in the scouts and it was his turn to build a car he had to do it himself. Like I said it is a pet peeve of mine. I have never heard of the outlaw or adult division but I am sure it came from the adults doing all the work anyway. Well rant over and good luck.
01-26-2013, 07:45 PM
not sure if it was good or bad,, my dad helped me and we won our troop,, looking at that car and trophy as we type,, man I miss him !! good for you be in on this !! now he did teach me and made me participate and carve sand, but at that point left to my own devices it would not have happened
01-28-2013, 09:06 PM
You guys seem awful old to be in the boy scouts. Oh! you're not in the boy scouts. I could be wrong but isn't this supposed to be a project completed by the scout himself. What are you teaching the boy? Win at all costs. Not one of you even mentions a boy scout, so I am assuming this contest is only for adults to use expensive CNC machines to compete against honest boys who actually make there own cars.
Sorry just a rant about a pet peeve of mine.
My son is a wolf scout, He constantly wants to work with me on projects and know what I am doing and how I am doing it. So I have been teaching him to draw in Partworks and use the bot for a few months now. So when we cut our car on the bot this year all I am doing is supervising (and tightening the collet). after that he will do all the finish work to and if the ridiculous shape he came up with goes down the track the fastest, great and if not he will draw something different next year. I also work with the other boys in the pack to draw what they want and show them ways to cut there designs out. It isn't really that much of an advantage to use the cnc anyway (unless there is a best in show catagory) the fastest car I ever saw run down the track was the wood block taken out of the box and painted red.....
P.S. Your NEVER to old to be a scout!
01-28-2013, 10:07 PM
Polish the nails, use dry graphite, and mount to a brick, it will be the fastest! :) Russ
Coleman Becker
02-21-2013, 02:45 PM
when i was in the boy scouts my brother one he made his car by himself and used no lead just about 15 coats of black latex paint we had to take some wood out to get it to racing weight. He was the overall winner (even with the cheating adults)
02-25-2013, 10:00 PM
finishing up my enty for the Dad's Division will post in virtual show and tell soon!
04-26-2013, 11:25 AM
Not sure if this site is good or not but I imagine you can download some pretty good STL models from here.
04-26-2013, 11:38 AM
I downloaded the Camaro from the site above and it's a OBJ file but's it's very high quality. You could definitely manipulate it to work.
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