View Full Version : Pausing between multiple toolpaths

Red F
01-30-2013, 03:02 PM
I'm making 45 different signs for our horticulture program here on our campus. They are simple V-carvings of the plant names.

Is there a way to output all of the toolpaths to one file and have the machine pause between each and wait for a button push to continue?

01-30-2013, 03:46 PM

Are you wanting all of the names to be cut into precut blanks that are located in the same spot each time? I've done that by manually entering code to tell the router to move out of the way and adding a pause... I don't know of a way to generate the code automatically for 45 signs. I eagerly wait for other smarter guys answers!


Red F
01-30-2013, 04:07 PM
Steve, that is exactly what I'm wanting to do. 45 3"x5" signs all in the same location, one right after another. I just want the router to move out of the way and pause long enough for me to swap out the part.

01-30-2013, 05:38 PM
Set your home position far enough away so that by the time it gets back you have finished your swap. Otherwise you can also set up a master file that calls up each cutting file one by one but that's a bit of a pain for this one. Steve's way works well also. Set your home out of the way, enter a pause, then a msg screen that says continue file Yes or No. Hit Y and you're on your way.

01-30-2013, 11:04 PM

There are a few ways to do it. You could put a 'PAUSE' and a 'GOTO' label at the end of your file and you would have to hit 'Enter' at the keyboard each time you want to start the next blank. Not as handy, but it works. Look at the programming handbook for examples.

Something like this..


Do some stuff
Move out of the way


My preferred method is a momentary button hooked up to an input that is mounted on the gantry (I just use the same as the z zero plate, Input 1) and add a special block of code at the end of the file after the tool has moved out of the way that looks for a button push on that input. Been using it for years.

Looks like this...


Do some stuff
Move out of the way

&TEST=%(51) 'Looking for a button press

Another way, but only if you are running the beta version yet, is a new 'PAUSE UNTIL' command. It works with either just the keyboard like any pause command or with an input from a button.

Like this...


Do some stuff
Move out of the way

PAUSE UNTIL 1,1 'Could be another input

01-31-2013, 03:46 AM

Scott's methods work when you are going to repeat the same name/pattern for every sign... I like Dave's idea... setting the "home" location to the opposite end of the table and using the "cycle" time to insert a new blank in the hold down fixture. The way I envision Dave's method working may involve a "special" edited post processor to tell the bot to "go home" between toolpaths. This "feature" is something many of us have had to edit out of older PP's!


01-31-2013, 11:51 AM

Am I correct in thinking that each time you change blanks, a different name will be carved?

I'm pretty leery about simply sending it to the other side of the table - what happens when you slip, and don't get one inserted in time?

If you name the toolpaths sequentially and load them with an FP command, then increment the file number (until you hit 45) then you could use one of Scott's methods.

01-31-2013, 07:34 PM
Hey Ron: If you slip you just reach over and press the space bar.
(I'm a firm believer in K.I.S.S.)

01-31-2013, 10:15 PM
Hi Dave!

:D My keyboard is on the other side of the 'Bot!! However, I could hit the E-Stop, but then... :eek:

01-23-2016, 10:31 PM
I am in a similar situation. I am cutting names into key chains. I have large blanks on which I cut multiple key chains. After each blank is finished, the spindle moves out of the way and pauses allowing me to swap the machined blank for a new one (different names, same position.) I am using Scott's suggestion with only one modification. The following lines are inserted before each new toolpath in the partfile. Works like a charm. Thanks Scott.

JZ, 1 'Raises bit 1 inch above material to clear hold down clamps
J3,0,3,1 'Moves bit out of the way for material change
PAUSE UNTIL 1,1 'Pauses for material change and waits for operator to press ENTER or click on Continue
