View Full Version : ArtCam / Indexer edge engrave

02-06-2013, 04:55 PM
I thought I'd share this , this is a way to make a rotary relief , but the process is hit and miss , but by adjusting node placement you get different results .17303



By doing a simple 2 rail sweep to get inverted V shape , The node placement is important and how many . then extrude the small hearts , there different sizes in 2d , but once you do the create ring there about the same size.
the relief size is control by model size
This may work with the Vectric software
I needed to do engraving on a heart design , the relief had under cuts every time and i would lose parts of it , so i did a work around

02-09-2016, 07:34 AM
Oh ! Buddy Thats Amazing .I think that in my mind why i did't think Like this ..I tried it Thanks Again !