View Full Version : A few tips from a beginner to other beginners; my first project

Ed Scherer
02-15-2013, 08:35 PM
As a total beginner (just got my Desktop at the beginning of January), I thought I'd pass along a few random things to other beginners that might be useful:

Guerrilla guide to CNC machining, mold making, and resin casting (http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/gcnc/): even with its emphasis on mold making and robot building, this is IMHO a great introduction to CNC routing/milling if you're new to the topic, as I was (and still kind of am!)
Expect as a beginner to be finding (usually pretty easy to track these down from each manufacturer) and consulting the "speeds and feeds" charts each time you use a new bit on a new material. I've been doing that and have yet to break a bit or get an unsatisfactory cut. (To be fair, though, I've probably only used 5 or 6 bits and doubt I've even had the 'bot running for more than 4 or 5 hours).
Try out the various web-based calculators: they're often a little different in ways that you might or might not like. E.g.: CustomPartNet's Milling Speed and Feed Calculator (http://www.custompartnet.com/calculator/milling-speed-and-feed), SGS's family of calculators (http://www.sgstool.com/content.aspx?contentId=calculators), etc.
Note that the readily-available (e.g., Home Depot SKU 385797 (http://www.homedepot.com/h_d1/N-5yc1v/R-100375877/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053)) Ridgid VT2570 (http://ridgidparts.com/accessories/vacacc_large.phtml) makes for a pretty nice hose to hook up to the dust extraction port. Very nice tight slip fit; I didn't even clamp mine and it's holding just great. And as a bonus, the orange/black color scheme matches the orange color on the cable to the spindle! I've got mine hooked up to a Ridgid WD1956 (http://www.ridgid.com/Tools/WD1956-Stainless-Vac/EN/index.htm) for now, although I'm considering plumbing it instead into our central vac (which we don't otherwise use), since there's a central vac pipe running right above where the 'bot is stationed.

FWIW, my first 'bot project is probably a little unusual, but something I just had to get done before moving on to more creative endeavors: putting some holes and slots in the lids and boxes comprising an enclosure for an electronics product. I can now make these ten at a time. I spent a lot more time on the work-holding fixture than the enclosures themselves! "Got it in one," though. Have yet to make any big mistakes (probably shouldn't say that!) First thing I did I made a minor mistake: not clamping the MDF well enough with my temporary clamping as I was doing the holes and countersinks for the main clamps I added in the next phase. The MDF slipped a little and I got some oblong holes before I changed my temporary clamping technique.

Work-holding fixture (and note the presence of the two copper fittings that allow the fixture to be removed and then reinstalled square/zeroed on the 'bot; thanks to you guys who documented that technique on this forum!):

https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-yMtmFZnTGaI/UP4xnO2q4xI/AAAAAAAAdwg/45rUu9FwEhg/s800/2013-01-C1-0098.jpg (https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-yMtmFZnTGaI/UP4xnO2q4xI/AAAAAAAAdwg/45rUu9FwEhg/s0/2013-01-C1-0098.jpg)

The "big picture," so you can see the dust extraction hose that worked out so well (I get just about zero dust to clean up by hand after cutting a batch of these):

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-7L37fxGzOCM/UQ3416M_blI/AAAAAAAAdzE/soDMQYEMLUA/s800/2013-02-C1-0005.jpg (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-7L37fxGzOCM/UQ3416M_blI/AAAAAAAAdzE/soDMQYEMLUA/s0/2013-02-C1-0005.jpg)

What these are for:

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-OQ7DjwnQvBw/UQ4TxHujHrI/AAAAAAAAd1M/AyZ3w8SF5io/s400/2013-02-C1-0021.jpg (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-OQ7DjwnQvBw/UQ4TxHujHrI/AAAAAAAAd1M/AyZ3w8SF5io/s0/2013-02-C1-0021.jpg) https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-04mw_HCzBLs/UQ4U8n8BH6I/AAAAAAAAd1c/ADaKdOr0gdU/s400/2013-02-C1-0023.jpg (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-04mw_HCzBLs/UQ4U8n8BH6I/AAAAAAAAd1c/ADaKdOr0gdU/s0/2013-02-C1-0023.jpg)

This is all a heck of a lot of fun for a first-timer!

02-15-2013, 09:24 PM

Looks like you're having fun!
BTW the Guerrilla guide is a good read...


02-15-2013, 09:31 PM
Is there any danger with having a moderate amount of dust near a furnace or (gas ? ) water heater ??

Ed Scherer
02-15-2013, 09:36 PM
Is there any danger with having a moderate amount of dust near a furnace or (gas ? ) water heater ??That's actually a pretty good point; I always appreciate it when people point out risks like that. Two gas furnaces and two gas water heaters (and one occasionally gassy human :)) within about ten feet of the 'bot. Hmmm.

I've been amazed so far about how little dust goes airborne, but I'll certainly pay attention to that once I get back to wood. Long term, I'd really like to move this out to a shop in a separate building, but... I have yet to even begin planning that project.

02-19-2013, 11:03 AM
i 'll second the location issue, not only is a build up of dust an issue but airborne dust particals can actually "explode" into a giant fireball. This is the same reason thatusing baking powder instead of baking soda to put out a grease fire will ensure you a new kitchen. In fact back in high school our chem teacher shawed us how to make a cannon using only baby powder for fuel.
a little extreme but to the point...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvPL7KC1DEA

05-03-2013, 04:58 AM
Ed, did you ever hook up to central vac, I have the motor of mine right in the workshop and it is a heck of a lot quieter than my ancient delta 1.5 hp. I'd like to keep the delta in garage for Uni,joiner,shaper and put my(future?) desktop in heated shop. How do you like your desktop and do you wish you had gone to a Buddy? thanks Scott Plaisted

Ed Scherer
05-03-2013, 10:07 AM
Ed, did you ever hook up to central vac, I have the motor of mine right in the workshop and it is a heck of a lot quieter than my ancient delta 1.5 hp. I'd like to keep the delta in garage for Uni,joiner,shaper and put my(future?) desktop in heated shop.No... and I'm not sure I will. I did take the time to look into the plumbing (the thinwall PVC vac pipe and fittings are available on-line from a variety of sources), but the Ridgid vac I got is quiet enough (although not as quiet as the central vac), and I'm not sure where the 'bot is going to wind up, anyway.

Funny story, though: we've never used our central vac (Vacu-Maid P-225) in the 7 years that we've lived in this house. My wife mentioned that she tried it once and it didn't suck worth a damn. Well, I was curious about that and tried it out (just a few months ago as I was exploring the possibility of using it). She was right; almost no suction.

I opened it up, and discovered that the previous owners of this house left us a nice gift: a central vac system totally plugged up with dog fur, hair, and other detritus all compressed into a dense mass of foulness the likes of which I had never before encountered. I almost retched as the wave of pungent aroma washed over me. Of course, the vac is in a corner of the basement with almost no airflow, so cleaning it and disinfecting it (and the contaminated surrounding area) was one of the more unpleasant tasks I've endured this year.

It's now nice and functional, although we probably won't use it for much (I never quite understood the attraction of central vacs for keeping floors clean throughout the house; our nice, light Orecks are easier to manage than a big, long hose).

Anyway, the only explanation I have for the state of the vac was that perhaps the previous owners just didn't realize that a central vac wasn't a maintenance-free item (well, I guess it was for them! :))

How do you like your desktop and do you wish you had gone to a Buddy? thanks Scott PlaistedIt's great! No regrets; given my space constraints and expected project types over the foreseeable future, it's a good match for my needs. I've gotten over the "bigger is always better," "faster is always better," "more expensive is always better," etc. assumptions that plagued me in my younger years, often resulting in items that were underutilized and took too much space and were difficult to move, etc.

Ed Scherer
05-03-2013, 10:25 AM
BTW, something else I don't think I posted about yet: A couple of months ago, I picked up a 12-piece Techniks ER 20 collet set from eBay seller "cnctoolingstore" for $109 (and free shipping). Seems like a darn good deal. C.N.C Tooling and Accessories Store (http://stores.ebay.com/C-N-C-Tooling-and-Accessories-Store) (cnctoolingstore's eBay store front) shows a number of other CNC-related things of interest, too.

12pc Techniks ER 20 5/32-1/2"x32nds collet sets (http://www.ebay.com/itm/380433876448)


05-03-2013, 01:46 PM
ED, did not have any detriment in my system, but have not used it in 12 yrs and it mounted on an outside wall with only a 3' run, the ex decided she had to have it 2 days before the sheetrockers were due,that was fun. oops TJ is back

07-19-2013, 09:39 AM
My Desktop just shipped. Did you have any problems getting it off of the truck? I don't have a pallet jack. Will I have problems?

Wendell Hall

Ed Scherer
07-19-2013, 12:22 PM
My Desktop just shipped. Did you have any problems getting it off of the truck? I don't have a pallet jack. Will I have problems?Wendell, in my case, the truck stopped at the top of our driveway and they delivery guy had a small pallet jack he used to roll the crate down the driveway and into the garage (about 50 m).

If you don't need to go very far, two people might be able to just carry the crate; it wasn't really all that heavy (just big and bulky). Moving it onto one of those four-wheel furniture dollies might work, too.

I can't remember whether or not I ever posted the uncrating photos, so here they are:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-a9b3QPuZkWc/UPD0WH8izvI/AAAAAAAAdtk/MCjONNkDYaU/s800/2013-01-C1-0029.jpg (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-a9b3QPuZkWc/UPD0WH8izvI/AAAAAAAAdtk/MCjONNkDYaU/s0/2013-01-C1-0029.jpg)

I didn't think about putting it on a scale, but the crate measured about 107 cm × 85 cm × 78 cm (42" × 33½" × 30½").

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-PigEmUWF540/UPD0jXecdbI/AAAAAAAAdts/natMm3l3ljM/s800/2013-01-C1-0034.jpg (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-PigEmUWF540/UPD0jXecdbI/AAAAAAAAdts/natMm3l3ljM/s0/2013-01-C1-0034.jpg)

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-yex6kA9Q9E0/UPD0xpSlHTI/AAAAAAAAdt0/r_NyXE6-Qp4/s800/2013-01-C1-0035.jpg (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-yex6kA9Q9E0/UPD0xpSlHTI/AAAAAAAAdt0/r_NyXE6-Qp4/s0/2013-01-C1-0035.jpg)

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-YpR2Gscrpcs/UPD1DKbdaWI/AAAAAAAAeJs/bcBqwES8iLE/s800/2013-01-C1-0036.jpg (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-YpR2Gscrpcs/UPD1DKbdaWI/AAAAAAAAeJs/bcBqwES8iLE/s0/2013-01-C1-0036.jpg)

Ed Scherer
07-19-2013, 12:27 PM
More photos (had to put this in a separate post due to four image-per-post quota).

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-JW2SU28GPl8/UPD1S1hoSbI/AAAAAAAAduE/4XDkXsNJyh4/s800/2013-01-C1-0037.jpg (https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-JW2SU28GPl8/UPD1S1hoSbI/AAAAAAAAduE/4XDkXsNJyh4/s0/2013-01-C1-0037.jpg)

Some of the items in this photo were additional items I ordered beyond the ShopBot itself:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-cML8Nnio9Yc/UPD1kdK19YI/AAAAAAAAdv0/KUrG-Pma1pg/s800/2013-01-C1-0039.jpg (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-cML8Nnio9Yc/UPD1kdK19YI/AAAAAAAAdv0/KUrG-Pma1pg/s0/2013-01-C1-0039.jpg)

Starter bit set:

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IIiLLepaUcU/UPD2Z50DByI/AAAAAAAAdu0/2-k-Q-5uGWc/s800/2013-01-C1-0045.jpg (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-IIiLLepaUcU/UPD2Z50DByI/AAAAAAAAdu0/2-k-Q-5uGWc/s0/2013-01-C1-0045.jpg)

Close-up of spindle nut and one of the collets:

https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-LSInX2oh2dg/UPD2kjNr9YI/AAAAAAAAdwM/8znF9cRN9v4/s800/2013-01-C1-0046.jpg (https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-LSInX2oh2dg/UPD2kjNr9YI/AAAAAAAAdwM/8znF9cRN9v4/s0/2013-01-C1-0046.jpg)

07-19-2013, 12:42 PM
Ed, thanks also for the very informative pics, as ours should be shipping very soon as well. Appreciated. Scott