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Brady Watson
01-02-2007, 02:11 PM
With the holidays over now & so many talented people visiting & contributing to this board, I thought it would be interesting to see what projects you guys have completed recently. At the camps it's always interesting when there is a show & tell to see what others are doing and how they did it.

Feel free to gloat, explain & share your projects in this thread...I'll start.

Here's 2 projects that I did over the holidays:

Although not a CNC project, it was fun & a big hit with those that got them.


These turned out really nicely. I started by ripping 1.5" strips of paduk, maple, lacewood & santos mahogany, and then cut them to length. I used clear laminating epoxy to glue them together and clamped them over night. I then ran each glue-up thru the planer a few times and squared up the ends on the chop saw. A hand router with roundover bit eased the edges. I then sanded with 220, added 2 coats of Watco butcher block oil and 2 coats of bowling alley wax. They turned out really well! For somebody who hates finishing, the oil & wax were a real pleasure to work with.

The 2nd project was a collaboration between my brother & me. I handled converting the jpg plans over CNC files & he handled all of the wiring & electronics. Here's a pic of the work in progress prior to wiring up and testing:


This is a real 4-player arcade cabinet complete with authentic arcade controls and real arcade monitor. The carcass was made from oak ply so that when it was stained (like top control panel) it would look like one of the old school Atari cabinets. This machine can serve up over 6,000 games, playing just like the real thing! What's neat is that the software automatically lights up only the active buttons and controls for any particular game. Each button is white, with a multicolored LED below, allowing you to configure them to light up ANY color (something nuts like 16 million possibilites)...A Windows PC handles the processing along with arcade software & hardware emulators.


Menu-driven interface lets you scroll thru over 6,000 titles...Everything from Pac-Man to Spiderman fighting Kirby...


This was a project that we talked about doing for the last few years. It was fun to see it finally come to life! It took us a good solid week of after work (and up 'til 3 AM) to get it done for the kids...
(yeah right...It's really for US!!!)

What have YOU guys been working on recently? Keep in mind it doesn't have to be elaborate (like my cheezy cutting board/trivet things...) It would be nice if everybody could share a little something. You never know who you may inspire or motivate with YOUR project!


01-02-2007, 04:31 PM

Looks great. What size monitor did you use?One other question though. You said it was for 4 players but unless I'm missing something I only see 2 sets of controls.

Brady Watson
01-02-2007, 04:51 PM
I'm pretty sure it's a 27" (real deal with the tube, not a computer CRT)...Look at the top pic, There are 2 sets of joysticks for player 1&2 (one set has red button on top), but @ the far left & right, there are also individual sticks for 3 & 4...Plus a single trackball for 1 player in the center, AND 2 spinners (with up AND down buttons on spinner) for Discs of Tron type games that need them, for players 1 & 2 only.

Where's YOUR show & tell? Let's go guys...
