View Full Version : Looking for a workaround

Tim Summerer
02-26-2013, 03:12 PM
I recently installed a 4hp HSD spindle on our PRT Standard machine. We're using the original control box. It is a pre-version 4 board.

This means that I cannot use the newest shopbot software. The biggest downside for me at the moment is that I can't adjust the spindle RPM's from the software. We do 3 bit changes per sheet - each with a different speed. It's really a pain to go and squat down and hold the arrow buttons to adjust the speed (it's like trying to set an old alarm clock, you have to hold the button and the longer you hold the faster the numbers switch - then you've gone too far by a billion rpms and you have to do the same thing in reverse!)

Does anyone know of a hack?

The first thing I tried was to set up a second computer, install new shopbot software on it, plug in the USB from the VFD and try to adjust the rpm while in preview mode. This is no go, you can't do a TR in preview mode.

Is there any way to override or ignore that restriction? Is there any way to fake a control box so that the second computer thinks it's in Move/Cut mode?

The best solution would to not have to use a second computer. Any programmers out there able to write an RPM controller program - I'd pay you if the price was right.

A version 4 board is quite pricey especially while this old one has some life in it.

btw. I'm super happy with the spindle. I've reworked my files and we are able to make drastic improvements in speed and efficiency.

Thanks for your input

02-26-2013, 04:10 PM
spindle relay board http://www.pmdx.com/SpindleControllers

02-26-2013, 05:25 PM
There used to be a Yaskawa VFD control program that could be used with a RS485 board to adjust the spindle rpm. I have one that I used to use before the setup that is being used now came out. I see that the file has been removed from ShopBot Labs though. I could look to see it I have it on an old computer.

Another thought, if you take the Spindle Control.exe file that is in the newer software (C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopBot\Virtual Tools\Spindle Control) and put it in your installed versions virtual tools folder and edit the virtual tools.ini file so it shows up on your tools menu, you might just be able to run it and change the RPM's by clicking in the rpm window and change the value, then hit enter and it should change on the VFD. You likely will not be able to control it from a file, but you could put a pause at the point of a tool change and manually enter the value and then continue. Worth a try. As a test, I can change mine manually this way without SB3 running. I just ran Spindle Control.exe from it's folder, entered a value, hit enter, and it worked fine.

Tim Summerer
02-27-2013, 12:49 PM
Hey Scott,
Thanks for your input!

I didn't realize that the Spindle Control was a separate exe file. I ran it on our 2nd machine and it adjusted the speed perfectly.

Later, when we have a bit of down time I'll try moving it to the virtual tools folder on the Primary computer.

What do you think about drivers? Will my Primary computer (with the old software) know what to do when I plug the VFD's USB into it?

02-27-2013, 01:53 PM
Hey Tim,

I'm not sure on that. You can go to the "C:\Program Files (x86)\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Drivers\ShopBotControllerV201" folder and copy those files there to your other one, but I'm not sure if the "DriverLoader.exe" for ShopBot Version 20x Controller Cards will mess with the connection to your control box if you have a USB connection to it and not the old serial cable.

You could try it, but maybe a call to SBHQ would be good to check with them on getting that worked out. There were a couple of different spindle control cards too.