View Full Version : monitoring ShopBot with $5 iCam app & old loptop
03-14-2013, 11:58 AM
I'm interested in the various ways folks have devised to monitor their BOTs when they're engaged in long jobs?
Mine is in a separate room that keeps the dust and noise down, but I can still hear it pretty well, so I mostly use my ears to know how things are going.
I also have a window from the main shop into the shopbot room that I can peak into. shopbot monitor/mainshoptoBOT.jpg
I can also look into one of the windows from the yard. shopbot monitor/outsideinbotview.jpg
The challenge comes in when I'd like to spend some time in my house [about 150 ft away] and still know all is going well. I've had enough mishaps [broken bits, loose bits etc.] and close calls to know I don't want to run the BOT unsupervised.
Right now I'm trying an iPhone app called iCam. It's designed for pet monitoring or security surveillance. It's only 5 bucks and allows one to monitor multiple cameras. [I'm guessing similar are available for android systems.] I plugged a web cam into an old laptop I wasn't using, and taped an old wide angle lens to it, as the factory view angle was too narrow. shopbot monitor/webcamwithwideangleS.jpg
I first set this up to monitor a our family dog who was sick. It has a motion detection option and will send an alert when it detects motion and will also begin recording video. [This is the feature that has allowed folks to capture video of their homes being burgled when they were away.]
I can use my iphone or iPad to see that the job is still running smoothly. shopbot monitor/icamscreenshot.jpg
Now the downsides:
It only monitors with video, not audio.
It has motion detection with push alerts, but will not detect stillness, or absence of motion. I've heard that feature is available in industry where workstations in factories are monitored, but is quite pricey.
If any of you have tried other software or monitoring systems that have worked well, please share your results.
Brady Watson
03-14-2013, 12:04 PM
I just use a wireless baby video monitor. It is a complete solution, including monitor for like $70.
03-14-2013, 12:10 PM
I use one of these -
It doesn't require a computer as it's self-contained. It can be panned around remotely and viewed via any device capable of running a web browser. It has two way audio and motion detection capabilities.
It's one of those items that is sold at many stores under many different names. Mine cost me £65.
I like that. Seems to be only available in UK, Ireland and Europe. Do you know of anyone who distributes it in the USA?
03-14-2013, 12:52 PM
I also use an IP camera... I can watch and listen from anywhere in the world. I also record motion as a shop security feature... I can watch my shop being ransacked from anywhere! Biggest downfall is if someone steals my office computer they get all the evidence! I'll need to get off site storage of my video...
03-14-2013, 01:31 PM
I like that. Seems to be only available in UK, Ireland and Europe. Do you know of anyone who distributes it in the USA?
This looks like one on ebay -
I did a google search for "ip camera usa" and several came up with my camera but I'm not familiar enough with US sellers to know which are reputable companies
I did a search as well and so far the companies that make/distribute the IP cameras don't seem to be to reputable. Customer feedback includes little or no technical support, no returning of technical inquiries, etc. Not a real bell ringer endorsement. :(
03-14-2013, 02:18 PM
Try this site... ( I use the ISpy software... It's an open source FREE software that works better than some I have paid thousands for in another setting. If you buy Panasonic brand IP cameras they offer free hosting (Panasonic... not ISpy)
" is our unique Dynamic DNS service for the Panasonic Network Camera products. Our camera's offer remote pan and tilt functions so you can adjust camera angles from anywhere... with a regular Web browser! As of June 1, 2003, the service is free for all who own a Panasonic IP Camera."
03-14-2013, 05:22 PM
I bought a harbor freight security cam for mine and have it hooked up to a 37 inch tv in the house Picture and sound
03-15-2013, 12:15 AM
Took a Harbor Frieght cheapo two camera one monitor setup and mounted one of the cameras on the carriage so it follows the job and the second the end over the workbench. Put the monitor in my adjacent office. I can set at the design computer while the ol' bot chugs away. Russ
03-15-2013, 09:51 AM
Has anyone used the Foscam pan tilt night vision cameras? I see Amazon has one for $75, and it has four and a half stars from over a 1000 reviews. The software that comes with it allows access from any web browser and will send out motion alert emails.
The iSpy software looks promising, but I'm not entirely sure what's possible at the 'FREE" level. It does have the "detect no motion" feature with SMS or emailed alerts, but I'm pretty sure that's only with a monthly subscription... cheapest being $70/yr.
Since the iSpy software is open source and they have a package for writing your own plugins... how hard might it be to write something that would send an email?
Thanks for all the great tips and leads...
David Beede (
Has anyone used the Foscam pan tilt night vision cameras? I see Amazon has one for $75, and it has four and a half stars from over a 1000 reviews. The software that comes with it allows access from any web browser and will send out motion alert emails.
The iSpy software looks promising, but I'm not entirely sure what's possible at the 'FREE" level. It does have the "detect no motion" feature with SMS or emailed alerts, but I'm pretty sure that's only with a monthly subscription... cheapest being $70/yr.
Since the iSpy software is open source and they have a package for writing your own plugins... how hard might it be to write something that would send an email?
Thanks for all the great tips and leads...
David Beede (
I would read some of the horror stories about support, or total lack of support, from Foscam from other customer who have bought them. That has made me want to stay away from Foscam.
03-15-2013, 11:55 AM
Has anyone used the Foscam pan tilt night vision cameras? I see Amazon has one for $75, and it has four and a half stars from over a 1000 reviews.
See my post earlier in the thread. It's the same camera that I use. They're generic models that are marketed under many different names but are basically exactly the same camera. Whether the company selling them is any good is the real question.
The only difference seems to be the software they are bundled with. Most I've seen have the same functionality that mine has but I've heard of others that have an ActiveX plugin for IE and that's it!
The software I use the most with mine is the Android (an iOS) based IP Cam Viewer Pro.
I'd be very, very wary of relying on a system like this alerting you that the 'bot has stopped moving via email.
Far too many points of failure between the software and you for my liking. A fire could be raging nicely by the time you get an alert to say it's stopped with the bit in the wood at 18,000 rpm!
Brady Watson
03-15-2013, 01:47 PM
I done told you...Baby Monitor - Take your pick... (
IP cameras 'ain't there yet' - great idea, logical use of the technology @ hand...not sure why they are ALL junk...but in terms of what is available in the US in my experience, they are ALL junk!
At least with the baby monitor you can read up on reviews from people who just want to check in on the kids who may not be all that tech saavy.
03-15-2013, 02:58 PM
I with Brady
I use a wireless baby monitor.
Gives video/sound only or both- paid about 70 bucks a few years ago
easy to set up and use
03-15-2013, 03:06 PM
"they are ALL junk! "
Just wondering what Precipitated that remark... Have you had difficulty setting up an IP camera? Are you unhappy with the resolution? Did you have a poor tech support issue? Maybe you are buying too cheap a unit.
A "modern" quality IP camera will require up to date computer equipment... and likely not the XP OS we run the bot with. Good "commercial" quality outdoor IP cameras can cost well over $1000 and quality indoor residential ones regularly run $300-400. The biggest issue I have had with less expensive (Cheap) units was the horrid documentation translated from Chinese.
If a baby monitor serves your purpose, that is likely the best route to go cost wise... However if you want to record and identify individuals in the video a better grade setup can work well!
Brady Watson
03-15-2013, 04:15 PM
They are overpriced, Steve...and by that, I mean a proper one, with instructions in my language.
You get more bang for your buck with a baby monitor, that's all. If you have $400 to spend on an IP camera, then great...but that never made sense to me when you can get a pretty nice baby monitor system with camera, sound, IR illuminator AND a screen/monitor all for under $150.
How much resolution do you really need? If I can hear it cutting, see no fire/smoke and the gantry is on the rails, we're golden! The purpose here is to make up for the fact that you are not standing in front of the CNC & make sure all is well...Not to be a high resolution system capable of tracking friend/foe outside the shop...that's a different thing altogether and that comes at a MUCH higher price point. Why Logitech et al hasn't come out with an IP camera for $79-129 is beyond me...The technology is there, why isn't the product?
03-15-2013, 04:29 PM
The instructions that came with mine were in perfect english, the software was easy as pie to use and I had the whole thing running in less than ten minutes.
It's been running perfectly for well over a year now. The one I had before (an Edimax IC-3115W) was also under $100 and I had the same experience with that one too.
I changed because I wanted a camera that I could move remotely from the bot to the screen and back.
Looks like it's finally happened that we in "rip off Britain" have got the better deal for a change!
03-15-2013, 07:20 PM
Here is an ad for an IP cam for $150. Night vision, pan, tilt, 2 way audio and SD card slot for video storage. There doesn't seem to be a zoom. A lot of other features like motion detection and text alerts that you may not use.
Brady Watson
03-15-2013, 07:57 PM
Here is an ad for an IP cam for $150. Night vision, pan, tilt, 2 way audio and SD card slot for video storage. There doesn't seem to be a zoom. A lot of other features like motion detection and text alerts that you may not use.
I Googled "X10 XX39A Airsight Wireless IP Camera"
Not looking too good...the top results are overwhelmingly negative.
Do you own this camera & are happy with it?
03-17-2013, 08:25 PM
My shop is 1460 ft. away from the house, on long 3d or anytime I need a respite. I fire up the Ipod and connect to my Iphone using a app. and away I long distance.. I forgot to mention its called Baby Monitor 3G and it used very little bandwidth works on wifi or cellular networks 1 meg 1 hour encryption..and its in your pocket..just sayin..
03-28-2013, 09:04 PM
I got my Wansview today. $60 was an easy gamble for me. It took longer to mount it to the ceiling than it did to get it running. It works like a charm and was easy to setup and install. I am using a wired network connection though. I don't have wireless in the shop. I expect I'll be buying a couple more given the ease of install and how well it works. Will let you know if it fails any time soon. Heres a capture from it.
I've been reading reviews of many of these cameras and it really seems to be a hit or miss proposition that they will work upon receipt or stay working for very long. I have not pulled the trigger on a wireless because of these reviews. Many of them by IT professionals.
I hope someday the makers will get these things stabilized.
04-16-2013, 09:59 AM
For what it's worth I just ran across this article about IP cameras getting hacked.
Might consider it part of the equation when deciding which way to go.
Those baby monitors are starting to look better to me.
04-16-2013, 10:15 AM
Given how insecure most PC's, routers, phones and all sorts of other far more commonly used devices connected to the 'net are I doubt hacking cameras is going to be a major issue.
Drive down pretty much any street and you'll be able to intercept all sort of unencrypted information flying around the ether with only the most basic of software.
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