View Full Version : wrapping around a cylinder
wayne fussell
04-12-2013, 08:46 PM
Can somebody point me in the right direction.
I need to cut a half round groove in a cylinder. Brady has written instructions for me but I'm not having much luck.
The cylinder diameter is .95"
The width of the cut will be 3/16 wide and the depth is about 1/4"
and it has to go all the way around.
Any ideas?
Brady Watson
04-12-2013, 09:25 PM
Zero to the center of the cylinder (.475" down from top of cyl). Chuck a 3/16" bit into the router. Move the Y where the center cove needs to be machined. ZB to zero the B axis. Write down the Y value where you want the cove to be so you can do it again later. If the small cylinder is running concentrically, (no wobble or 'cam' movement when B axis is spun, then:
Type the following into SB3:
SO,1,1 'Turns on router
MZ, .225 'Moves Z down
MB,360 'Move indexer 1 revolution
JZ,1 'Jog Z up to safe height
SO,1,0 'Turn router off
I would start shallow first...meaning, go maybe MZ,0.3 and sneak up on where you need to be, keeping in mind that if you go .01" you are really going .02" on the diameter. Figure out how deep you need to go in scrap, then once you have it, record the Y location and Z depth. Once you have them, you can write a simple SBP file that just cuts that simple groove.
wayne fussell
04-12-2013, 10:04 PM
I think I understand.
but where does this get typed in?
Type the following into SB3:
SO,1,1 'Turns on router
MZ, .225 'Moves Z down
MB,360 'Move indexer 1 revolution
JZ,1 'Jog Z up to safe height
SO,1,0 'Turn router off
Brady Watson
04-12-2013, 10:39 PM
Type each command into SB3 or make yourself an SBP that has all the commands in it in sequence.
wayne fussell
04-12-2013, 10:52 PM
in the command section, got it.
Guess I need to learn how to write a simple SB code.:eek:
wayne fussell
04-13-2013, 05:45 AM
Is this anywhere close to what I'm looking for? For a part file of course.
zero material at center
MH, 'move to o,o in X,Y,;with safe-Z pull-up
J2,new x=6.5,y=4.3
ZB, 'zero indexer
Z2, 'zero X & Y
SO,1,1 'Turns on router
MZ, .225 'Moves Z down
MB,720 'Move indexer 2 revolution
JZ,1 'Jog Z up to safe height
SO,1,0 'Turn router off
MH, 'move to 0,0 in x,y
Brady Watson
04-13-2013, 07:00 AM
In SB3 type, FN command to open a fresh new SBP file in SBEditor.
Copy & paste in:
MH, 'CAREFUL! - Make sure your Safe Z is up high enough not to smack into the tailstock - Zzero @ indexer center...Maybe JZ,2.5 first? I would not use this line.
Z2 ' not necessary
SO,1,1 'Turns on router
Pause 2
MZ, .225 'Moves Z down
MB,720 'Move indexer 2 revolution
JZ,1 'Jog Z up to safe height
SO,1,0 'Turn router off
MH, 'move to 0,0 in x,y 'Be careful you don't have a collision! I would not use this line.
It is not necessary to do an MH or to otherwise start any SBP @ Home or 0.0. In fact you can avoid a lot of danger by positioning the tool over the work before you run this file. Since Zzero is at the indexer center, with .95" stock, this means it is only @ 0.5" above the top of the cylinder. Make sure if you do an MH etc that it won't crash into the head/tail stock.
wayne fussell
04-13-2013, 07:06 AM
Thanks Brady
I did change the safe Z to 2" for that reason.
wayne fussell
04-13-2013, 08:48 AM
And I will take out the MH
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