View Full Version : Wiring Diagram / Instructions Needed

04-21-2013, 11:03 PM

I've just taken charge to run a fablab and have run into a roadblock with the Shopbot here. The lab was shifted recently and the entire wiring of the shopbot was removed in the process with a manually created wiring diagram however this has gone missing. Now i've a shopbot, a cpu and a controller box with loads of wire hanging around sans any manual to get this back into shape. I would appreciate if someone can guide me / send me some wiring instructions for this. I believe all the fablab Shopbots are the same and a model number would not be required. However i shall try and add the model number once i'm in the lab.


04-22-2013, 07:17 AM
There are instructions on the Shopbot support page

04-23-2013, 06:52 AM
i downloaded the manual and have started wiring the shop bot up... struck with some major issues...
There doesn't seem to be a 3-button pendant in out setup
unable to find the pcbconnector for the E-stop switch as i couldnt find anything matching that of the pictures shown in the manual
There seems to be VFD.. couldn't figure any of the connections
Couldn't figure where the other end of the 3wires (green, red, black)(see image below) go to
Finally where does the usb from the vfd go to?

All help would be appreciated. Excuse for using links... IMG tags dont seem to work...

04-23-2013, 07:26 AM
none of you links work for me. What control box do you have.

04-23-2013, 07:49 AM
The 3 button pendant was an option. I believe they stopped offering it.
Your google account is not allowing access.
If you can convert your img's to jpg's then you can post here.
If you e-mail your shots and questions directly to shopbot support you should get them answered quickly. Make sure you show good shots of the control box and VFD so they will know what model you have, although they should have that info on file under the name the machine was originally bought.

04-24-2013, 02:34 AM
Ok... Didn't figure out the permissions... the photos are now visible... will mail shopbot support as well...thanks everyone..