View Full Version : Is this possible? cubes
05-05-2013, 09:05 AM
On a desktop with spindle can I make 2" cubes out of s4s hard maple blanks that what will be high quality with minimal finishing? Will probably replace t-track table with 3/4" aluminum or mdf to gain some Z, Thanks Brady.With machined aluminum table could I flip it and use internal tabs to be chiseled out after? Visible tool marks that can be taken out easily by 150 grit would not be a concern as I will have 12-15 pairs of hands sanding and oiling anyway,and the purpose of this to create simple repetitive jobs(for handicapped individuals). With MDF(options?) can a bit do do it in 1 toolpath without deflection or breaking(I don't know proper bit insertion depth for spindle). Would I need 4tabs on each block to be safe? 1/4" bit is preferable,but will go up to 3/8" if needed. Blocks will be engraved all 6 sides afterwards so a separate indexed jig with 1/4" aluminum base is needed. I am thinking about using the maple blank after cutting as a finished packing and block holder for gross motor skill improvement.This is IMPORTANT simple, dull,repetitive jobs are NEEDED that do not require sharp objects or power tools. Simple jobs that they can be proud of the finished product is the goal. Only 1 or at most 2 capable people will be at the northern site. We will probably get a second desktop(YEAH) for my shop so I can idiot-proof(I provide the idiot) so I can make table,jigs,hold downs and software to ship 10 hours north of here. Yes,I did search for hours but maybe not in the right place. finishing a dozen 1.75" blocks now by hand but want the 2" for graphic space,BUT IF 1.75" MAKES IT POSSIBLE. might do it. I do NOT want to buy an EPILOG but might have to. Can I gain Z on the spindle side? My brain is in meltdown after basic training on-line with TJ, blame him for showing me linear array. Thanks people for all your help so far.
why not cut them on a table saw to rip 2x2 material and cut the blocks on a miter saw with a stop block:confused:
05-05-2013, 07:47 PM
Gene, I've been using a Maine supplier of the cubes and even in a professional operation the cubes vary up to 1/8",to much to engrave a full tray of blocks apparently. Only 1 0r two people in the shop will be trusted with power tools and sharps and they will have to provide enough product to keep 10 pairs of hands sanding and wet sanding with oil ,and hand rubbing busy. Also I like the Idea of using the blank as a block holder as well, when you get the letters in the right order, the grain of the whole board matches.We do not have to make money,just provide Jobs to challenged people in northern Maine that will otherwise be on SSdisabilty for the rest of their lives. We only have to make enough money to be self-sustainable when my Dad dies(he is 83 and was born up there- think swan song). Thousands of blocks a year and only 1 or two people to make the stock. Thanks, that would be the way I would do it for a few sets. Scott ps It would look much better on the shelf to see and touch the wood,instead of seeing a picture on cardboard and plastic. they feel like a babys behind and look like fine furniture when done.
05-05-2013, 08:00 PM
And besides that,if we buy a laser, I won't get a desktop in my own shop to play with. All I would be doing is sending graphic file up north(10 hour drive). Once I saw what people are doing here, I want one. scott
Bob Eustace
05-06-2013, 01:26 AM
Scott I assume you are making kiddies alphabet blocks??? If so you might like to try planing down to 2 1/64 then running through a drum sander ( very safe machine). Then cut into strips 2 1/32 wide with a good table saw and again run through the sander. Dock to 2 " and a bit. You can then make a sled to go thru sander, or jig up to finish two sides in the Desktop. Using this method you should get really square blanks, still needing a finish sand but great for engraving on. I made a painting conveyor up years ago for doing blocks!!! You really dont need an excuse to buy your own Desktop. You will find a zillion uses for it.
05-06-2013, 05:45 AM
Bob, yes kiddie blocks with a couple twists. Like the sander sled idea,and although my Uni-saw is set up so that a nickel on edge stays on edge when I press start, I personally hate repetitive stuff(unless it's wet sanding a live edge when I can Zen out on quilted or exotics) I do NOT want to make 1,000's of blocks. I won't meet my future remote "crew" until July so All I know is that their supervisor and her assistant can be trained on sharp's and power tools. Even they were apprehensive until I sent them a couple of you-tubes and told them I would do the software and training. HAH , that's a joke, I wrote a tool-path on vcarvepro yesterday ( my first) and watched the preview and was so excited when it profiled the blocks and started screaming NO NO NO as it continued to merrily pocket cut my blocks into sawdust. OOPS. I live $1,056 dollars a month and if I hadn't paid cas for everything and I did not hate credit cards I would have lost the the house long ago, so a 'bot is way out of my reach, and besides I like doing one-ofs with crazy wood that nobody with a machine would touch. thanks scott
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