View Full Version : Resolution Multiples in VU sheet

05-07-2013, 05:46 PM
Does anyone know what the "Resolution Multiples" in the VU fill in sheet are and how they affect the resolution? I am getting ready to change my Z over to gearbox motor. I just wanted to understand how these values worked in the control software.

05-07-2013, 05:55 PM
I believe they are for when different modes are used for jogging and moving. To my knowledge they are only used in Alpha machines ( I could be wrong). What I can say for certain is that the proper setting must be used or the distance moved will be wrong, either in move or jog mode.


05-10-2013, 06:27 PM
Steve - You are right, I found the below online in one of the newer Shopbot User Guides:

Resolution Multipliers (resM)
This controls the temporary shift in resolution for moves made in Jog Mode on PRT and PRS alpha tools. For PRS and PRT standard ShopBots, all resolution multipliers should be set to 1. Select the appropriate Settings file for your tool [UR] or see the Dr ShopBot Wiki for values for alpha tools.

05-12-2013, 08:48 PM
With some experimentation, I found that changing the resolution multiples make no difference when doing "moves". It only makes a difference on your "jogs". If the wrong multiplier is used, a jog command will not go the correct distance.