View Full Version : Trouble in ATC setup

05-12-2013, 11:22 PM
Currently, I'm trying to setup my ATC software, but whenever I start the CN74 command to calibrate my clip position, my z-axis is moving and changing the value into -0.5inches. Which causes when the empty tool holder in the spindle is going to touch spindle in the clip position 1 but it always stop at -16inches.

Do I have anyway to change the -0.5inches or the -16inches limit?

Model: PRSalpha 120x60 with double x rails (higher z axis)

06-07-2013, 11:41 PM
I have the ATC and have had no problems doing what you are asking. Is it possible the file is written in-correctly?? I can send you my file but it is for a 10 tool position. I will do it if you think it will do you some good.

06-18-2013, 03:20 AM

I'm already fixed that problem, that is because I got extended Z axis (double deck of rail).

But now when I started to run my machine part file with ATC, it showed me "'Error setting up for tool change. ATC(58)"

And Yes, Please send me your file, I will try to compare it to mine. :D

06-18-2013, 10:49 PM
Tee Chee, I also have the 12 inch axis. I have never had the problems you are talking about. Remember I have a 10 tool setup. PM me with your e-mail address and I can send any file you desire. I did originally have a problem with the tool changer understanding I had the taller z axis but I changed the heigth in one of the files and that corrected that problem. Let me know what file you want. Glad to help!!