View Full Version : 3D relief Z problem

05-28-2013, 10:18 PM
I am taking my first crack at a 3D relief. Its basically a heart with some flowery decorative outline around it. About .5 in model height.

I used a .5 end mill to roughing toolpath cut. No problem.

I then switch to a 1/16" ball nose for finishing toolpath. Used the tile toolpath function in Aspire to break up the file into smaller chunks. Loaded the first tile toopath for finishing, I got no Z-axis movement, only x and y movement. What am I missing?


05-29-2013, 02:26 AM
you might want to post a copy of your .sbp file or your your file or send a copy to shopbot and let them take a look. Depending on how large your file is (if it is less the 12"x12") or even bigger i don't see the need to do it in sections.

I don't think you need to do it with a 1/16th bit. I'd try a 1/8th ballnose with a 9 or 10% stepover and you should get the needed detail. Maybe some pictures or more detail about your file and sizes might help us advise you.

05-30-2013, 10:44 AM
Jack thanks. Tech support took a look at the file and helped out as they always have.