View Full Version : cutting boards
06-16-2013, 10:41 AM
Any one with a saw, wood, clamps and glue can make a cutting board, However most can not customize it. With the shop bot you can engrave peoples names or initials. Wedding shops would love to offer personalized items for the bride and groom. Corporation need gifts for their stock holders.
there are many places where you can offer your services to. think of how many different places you can go to in your town, your county, your state.
Banks, Churches, gift shops, etc.
do not let your shop bot collect dust.
even your scrap is worth something.
make things from it sale it to hobbyist...
1st board a order of 50 for a local reataurant, 2nd a order of 10 for a interior designer
06-16-2013, 11:28 AM
Gene thanks for sharing that... those are nice cutting boards.. and a prime example of what I was talking about.
06-16-2013, 06:06 PM
I appreciate your suggestions it looks like you've spent years perfecting the art...
What wood is that you are using? I like your like your little "gulley" on the end to empty the drippings.
06-16-2013, 06:30 PM
What most shops fail to do is ask their wife what she likes and wants. If my wife says put it in production I do.. If she says it will not sale I do away with it.. Women do 90% of the shopping . They know what they will buy or will not buy.. That is who all of us should target. I enjoy designing things, my wife enjoys getting things (keeps me out of trouble.) lol... I like to see people succeed. Most have the heart to do it, just do not know how to go about it. I try to put suggestions out here for all to read.
To help them. Sometimes people think I work for shop bot or other companies like lasers, I don't i just like helping people. I can draw and design things where some can't I am lucky that way.
Plus I grew up in the woodworking business, and had a mother that taught me art, I went to Berea College, ( the craft capital of the world) (Berea Ky.) I still make things for the students to finish. So my knowledge comes from several sources..
Thanks for the compliments.
06-16-2013, 06:50 PM
Jack something else I should have mentioned is, I add items and I drop items. I get copied a lot, and most come in at a lower price than what I sale for. If it gets to the point a items is moving to slow over this I drop it for a few years. Those that came in with lower prices ends up going out of business. Usually by that time everyone thinks I have a new product. I am not the cheapest craft maker normally I am higher than any one else around me.
My quality of work keeps my customers coming back and new ones looking for me.
Customers look at quality.. Quality should always come before quantity. If your quality is there your quantity will come to you.
boards will be given to the 2 clients best customers as a thank you for doing business...
06-16-2013, 07:05 PM
Gene the musical instrument that is mentioned in your link is easy to make in the small form go to ( it is called a thumb piano I do Musical instrument repair from time to time, I also make some custom musical instruments, this is a great site to learn to make musical instruments with your cnc. once you have a kit you can copy it and make that instrument with your cnc.
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