View Full Version : Mixing G-codes and Shopbot Codes

07-09-2013, 10:14 PM
Hi all,
I have a .nc program created from another CAD/CAM tool that cuts a plaque out of MDF. At the end of the first cut,I'd like to add some hold downs for the center of the plaque. The idea is to make the first cut using hold downs in the waste area of the material and then screw down the center of the plaque so that the screw holes are hidden by the numbers to be added to the plaque. The numbers are odd shaped ceramic pieces that need to be positioned by eye within the center area of the plaque.
My question is this, can I use the following code to stop the spindle, raise the Z-axis, wait for the hold downs to be placed and restart the spindle.

...First cut G-code here
'Place Hold down screws for numbers
... Rest of the Cuts here

I've tried doing the cuts in preview mode but ALL of the tool paths show up after I press the continue button associated with the PAUSE
Thanks all

07-10-2013, 02:34 AM
Rather then mixing codes and risking damage or problems why not simply make a seperate toolpath as a .sbp file? That seems the simplest to me:confused:

07-11-2013, 06:27 PM
Thanks that what I ended up doing