View Full Version : Online 7/10/13 Alternative Hold Downs
Hello everyone,
Hard to believe we are into our second week in July. I have been experimenting with a few different methods of hold down that I thought I would share with the group. There are times when tabs cannot be used and a method other than screws has to be used. I plan on showing some vac-clamps that can be purchased but really show off some methods using jigs, 3m Adhesive, 2 sided tape, etc.
Also, if you have any pictures of unique methods you would like to share please send them to me. I would love to have a section where other ShopBot users share what they are doing.
Please join me Wednesday at 1:00pm EDT for appx an hour of training then an hour of Q & A....
Look forward to seeing you all then!! TJ
Please register for Online Training - Alternative Hold Down Methods on Jul 10, 2013 1:00 PM EDT at:
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07-10-2013, 06:39 PM
But what do those of us outside your timezone do? I would really have liked to follow that session..
Bob Eustace
07-10-2013, 06:46 PM
A couple of clamping ideas for your webinar. Amazon sell a magic metal cam clamp that should last forever and only costs $11.27. Its main advantage for CNC is the jaws tilt downwards when tightened. This absolutely positively pulls the board flat down onto the table. Great on v carved signs that have a bit of a bow. They are under 3/4 high, so you really have to be asleep to crash into one. The holding power is amazing and you can goo right away from screws as can be seen in the pic. i just make sure there are tabs near the clamping points.
Another clamp that works is the plywood cam clamp with an aluminium insert. For those on a budget you can easily make these using your wifes old HPDE cutting boards if you cant machine aluminium. This type of clamp does NOT pull down and can also mark finished surface due to the turning action.
Keep up the great work!!
Bob in Oz
07-10-2013, 07:15 PM
Why do pictures from Australia always come in upside down?:D
Bob do you have specific name for this "magic metal clamp"? Because as we all know you can NEVER have too many clamps!
07-10-2013, 10:37 PM
I use the "Magic metal clamps", a lot in my t-tracked table. They are great clamps. I think they were called Fox Cam Clamps, or similar...
I love the way they pull down when clamped - really keeps the material down on the spoilboard.
@Bob - I was asleep once! Interesting groove my bit cut into the clamp - not so interesting what it did to my bit! :eek:
07-11-2013, 03:02 AM
Bob....turn your iPad or iPhone the other me why your pics are upside down.....we can't let our American friends think we are tooo backward here:rolleyes:
Bob Eustace
07-11-2013, 05:10 AM
Jack - got me beat! Usually works OK on ADSL and I havent had an inversion for about 6 weeks, but at present its school hols so speed is right down. Only happens on the iPad! Even resent that pic after turning it in the pic app.
Mike - I reckon they all know we are different down here probably because of all those kangaroos hopping around everywhere!
Bob Eustace
07-11-2013, 05:19 AM
Ron my post was a bit crappy detail wise! Yes they are Shopfox Cam Clamps. Mine came from Amazon
Cost seems to have come down to $10.28 which is pretty good as you cant have enough!
I am going to rerecord this training and will have it posted. It went real well, however the computer could not handle everything that was going on so we had to stop the recording.
07-11-2013, 09:12 AM
The picture isn't upside down it is just very very good vacuum
07-11-2013, 01:43 PM
Are the Shopfox Cam Clamps metal or plastic?
Here is the link for the video:
Bob Eustace
07-11-2013, 06:56 PM
Are the Shopfox Cam Clamps metal or plastic?
All steel Don BUT everything is flat so they are pretty safe on rapids. I've yet to hit one but have lost count of screws hit!
I've used the 3M Super 77 spray glue hold down method for years.
I have never had to use anywhere near as much as was shown being sprayed in the video.
Depending on what you're cutting, and your cutting parameters, you can get by with a light mist on both surfaces. I have used it on wood and on plastics.
When I use it on EPS foam, I spray the foam only and firmly press onto the spoilboard.
I enjoyed seeing the video - thanks!
Ken Sully
07-13-2013, 09:46 AM
With the 3M spray don't you get a build up on your spoil board?
Do you use something to clean it up?
07-13-2013, 10:04 AM
Nice TJ, Thanks
07-13-2013, 01:27 PM
With the 3M spray don't you get a build up on your spoil board?
Do you use something to clean it up?
We are a sign shop so we use premask tape (comes in many widths)
on the spoil board before spraying. I would think that masking tape
on the Sboard would work too. Gene
07-13-2013, 08:22 PM
I've using
David Buchsbaum's clamps for years.They work great! Check them out
07-14-2013, 12:05 PM
With the 3M spray don't you get a build up on your spoil board?
Do you use something to clean it up?
The one time I used spray adhesive, I put down a layer of packing tape on the table. When the build up on the table got bad, I just peeled up the tape and reappied more.
I used a very light mist as well. Once the layer on the table is down, you don't have to keep reapplying to the table that frequently. Particularly if you spray and put your part down almost immediately. The solvents in the coat on your part will reactivate the adhesive on the table.
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