View Full Version : Ultralight in Australia?

07-16-2013, 09:40 AM
I've been doing some checking from here since I knew that Ultralite made in NZ was being shipped to the US. Seems like the plant has had a couple ownership changes. I did receive the following e-mail from the last owners rep:

Hi David,

Thanks for the email below. I was based in California from 2001-2005 when we started selling Ultralight MDF in the US market. It was developed specifically for the US market and is not sold in Australia. It was in fact made in our mill in New Zealand, but we no longer have an ownership in that mill.

Are you looking to use it in Australia, or is it for export? Happy to discuss MDF options in Australia if you or your colleagues wish to phone me directly. My cell phone is 0424 468 230, or +61 424 468 230 from overseas.


Stuart Toakley
Borg Manufacturing

Good luck mates! Looks like at least for now you'll have to settle for the slightly less functionality of regular mdf as a vacuum bleeder. I guess they figure that the rough tough blokes from down under can handle regular mdf just fine and have no interest in saving their backs!! Note that with both sides skinned it does work, just not quite as good as ultralite or Trupan.


07-17-2013, 12:28 AM
That has been my experience in Aus......blank looks that say, "what planet are you from" when I ask for Trupan or ultra-light MDF! And not only MDF but many materials that you guys take for granted. I cut mostly aluminium and getting the grades I want is almost impossible in small quantities.

For small workshops here getting a reasonable variety of materials is difficult unless you want to import a container load. Plus with the Aussie dollar dropping 12% in value in last 3 weeks against the Greenback importing has become even dearer.

Count yourselves lucky in the States to get what you want in the quantities you want....


07-17-2013, 08:28 AM

Only 12%? ;) In the last couple months Oriental import board got hit with a 29% tariff and everything else went up 8-15% too here. My metal fabricating friends speak of a 20% hike. They keep talking about a recovery but at this point so many prices are rising on materials, insurance, utilities, etc. that it's clear the overall "design" of the recovery is simply concentrating what wealth there is in fewer and fewer pockets. The general slowdown has resulted in those that do have projects to build and the money to pay for them being even more avaricious in price shopping and many cabinet shops, etc. dropping prices just to get work and keep the doors open. Of course, you can't make it up in volume!!
It is interesting that although the dollar has gotten stronger against many currencies lately the spread seems to disappear by the time import products hit the shelves here.
But then, that's a whole different subject.

07-17-2013, 09:29 PM
Dave...it's a Western World syndrome of high volume cheaper imports putting untold harm on our manufacturing base. Australia had a solid manufacturing base decades ago but that is quickly disappearing.
Our economy has become one of Warehousing and distribution. Once large factories are now just storage sheds for imports. We are down to 2 car manufacturers here now, with Ford pulling out, citing that it is too expensive to manufacture here. GMH have already softened us for their departure leaving Toyota as the only manufacturer of cars here.
Tariffs and import duties are in theory meant to protect local industry from cheaper look a like products that are imported. But as these tariffs and duties disappear the manufacturers can't compete and disappear as well.
As interest rates drop to help the few exporters left, the farmers and miners the dollar drops the imports get dearer and cost of living rises again.
Automotive fuel here is now $6+ / gal, to buy a basic steak and chips at the Local pub cost an average $30!
Anyway I'm ranting.....we're all in the same boat it seems!!!


07-21-2013, 10:54 PM
Michael, a few of the guys including gurus like Tim Merrill actually use particle board and prefer it especially if it has finer particles than some of the junkies stuff.

When I saw your post title I assumed you were looking for an airplane :D

07-21-2013, 11:16 PM
Michael, a few of the guys including gurus like Tim Merrill actually use particle board and prefer it especially if it has finer particles than some of the junkies stuff.

When I saw your post title I assumed you were looking for an airplane :D

Ok particle board....haven't considered it. To me it has always been a junk product used under carpets and tiles in new cheaper homes.....but worth trying.

Hey airplanes are like horses.....sure way to go broke!:eek:


08-12-2013, 07:07 AM
Hi Michael.

Trupan is a trade name Of Arauco and is manufactured in Chile. It is very similar in weight to Australian MR (Moisture Resistant) MDF but is not as strong nor as water resistant as what we class as MR MDF.

All MDF sold in Australia is required to be E0 or E1, ie emits 0 VOC's when stored or machined. I believe that Trupan can not match this standard.

Ultralight again is a trade name and a similar product is available from several manufacturers in Australia. The equivalent Laminex product is "Litecraft" and is available in most standard sizes. Like Ultralight it is not an MDF it is ULDF (Ultra Low Density Fibreboard).

Hope this helps


08-12-2013, 08:56 AM
Thanks David......that info is very helpful and informative....

I'll contact Plyco where I get my local ply and MDF supply and see if they can get it in....


08-13-2013, 07:41 PM

Have a look at

That is the info on Litecraft. On the same site you will find info on more products that my be of interest.

Laminex have different ranges of MDF. From structural MDF, MR MDF, STD Raw. They also have Trade Essentials and Craftwood ranges, each has different weight, density, finish and of course price. If you read through the specification you will find something to suit your needs. Once you finish with Laminiex you can then go to Borg and they have several different MDF as well, then we have Austral, Carter Holt Harvey, Ventech, Polytec and several others.

Most timber merchants have no idea of what is available other than the companies that they deal with and frankly 95% of them I would not believe them anyway. Do your own research and you will find something that suits your needs.


08-14-2013, 01:42 AM
Thanks David.....very helpful indeed.... You know I spent hours searching on Google and got nowhere......helps when someone can point you back on track.....half the battle is finding product supply & support.

Also been searching without success for a timber called Camphor Laurel.....it's been classified as a weed by the native Aussie greenies but its a beautiful wood for kitchen products as it has a natural disenfactant and will not rot. I just can't find a supply as its destroyed before I can get a hold of it!!!


08-14-2013, 09:50 AM

There are several suppliers of Camphor Laurel in Northern NSW. It is a native of South East Asia and like most introduced species it grows like a weed in Australia. In fact we are a large exporter of Camphor Laurel.

Try Boutique Timbers, near Port Macquarie

It works beautifully and finishes extremely well, however some people will react badly to the oils.


08-16-2013, 06:50 AM
Thanks David.....very helpful indeed.... You know I spent hours searching on Google and got nowhere......helps when someone can point you back on track.....half the battle is finding product supply & support.

Also been searching without success for a timber called Camphor Laurel.....it's been classified as a weed by the native Aussie greenies but its a beautiful wood for kitchen products as it has a natural disenfactant and will not rot. I just can't find a supply as its destroyed before I can get a hold of it!!!


Hi Michael, I work with Camphor Laurel all the time. It cuts great on the Shopbot. If you need some just let me know, I've got a fair bit of it that I bought as a bulk purchase a couple of years ago.


08-16-2013, 08:33 PM
Thanks Shane.......PM sent

08-23-2013, 11:44 AM
Hi Shane.....sent you a PM re your offer to sell some of you Camphor Laurel.....no reply.....are you still interested on parting with some Camphor??
