View Full Version : Slow Moving Spindle in X&Y

07-21-2013, 02:33 AM
Hi all,

Ive had several issues lately with my Desktop and wanted to get the Forum's opinion.

Recently I was having the issue of the Spindle moving in the opposite direction on the X axis upon beginning a new part cut.
With that issue @ hand I uninstalled and reinstalled all the SB software. Since then I have tried to cut parts again and am having no success.

The Spindle seems to be moving very very slowly, no matter what operation I try (Zeroing, Home, Cut Part). When I try something simple like "move to 0,0" it moves @ about 1/100th the normal speed.

Can anyone help? Thanks!


07-21-2013, 08:35 AM
Make sure that your move and jog speeds are not set for inches per minute while you are entering numbers suited for inches per second.

07-21-2013, 09:14 AM
Or in set-up make sure you have it set for inches and not millimeters.

07-21-2013, 11:35 AM
Do the move commands go the correct distance? If you command a move of one inch, how far does it go? If the (V)alues (U)nits constants are not correct, speeds could be very wrong, distances would be wrong also. Easy to check with a ruler.

Check VU as well as the millimeters/inches option as Dave suggested.


07-21-2013, 12:04 PM
Since you did a reinstall, do you have the proper config loaded for your machine? You might want to do a UR and reset/reload the config for your machine (ShopBot_PRSDesktop2418.sbd)