View Full Version : Step and direction input?
09-16-2007, 10:01 AM
I just ordered a new prs alpha and it occured to me that I might be able to use my old Flashcut software and signal generator (from my last router) to bypass all the shopbot software. I really like the flashcut interface and I could use all my old gcode files without changes.
Is there an easy way to input step and direction signals so I can change back and forth between controllers?
09-16-2007, 02:40 PM
My PRT-Alpha uses a ribbon cable to connect to the controller card. If the Oriental Motor stepper drivers were used with another pulse generator, only the Step, Direction and Common would normally be required. So, you'll have to build an adapter for the ribbon cables. After making the adapter and connecting the cables to your own pulse generator to control the stepper motors, you'll also have to design your own spindle/router contactor circuit, your own limit switch circuit, your own E-stop circuits, your own Zzero sensing ciruit, etc.
It can be done, but do you really want to go to all of that bother when you can run G-code on the Shopbot? (My really ancient version of Flashcut was G-code based. I have no idea whether Flashcut is still G-code or whether they use proprietary software.)
09-16-2007, 04:57 PM
Mike, Thanks for the info.
Making up a cable should not be too difficult. The Flashcut signal generator supports a number of digital I/O lines and supports limit switches and spindle activation. So it all sounds possible.
I really like the simple flashcut interface and want to make sure I can return to it if I have to.
Looking at the Shopbot interface it looks like I will have to learn a whole new way of doing things.
09-16-2007, 06:24 PM
If you take the time to become familiar with the Shopbot interface, you'll really like it. Going from those things with which we are familiar to new and strange (to us) ways of doing things can hold us back from some of life's greatest adventures. But, if you're totally set on using Flashcut as part of your Shopbot, it surely can be done. (That's one really nice thing about owning a Shopbot - you can make it work with just about any kind of electronics, if you're willing to experiment a little.)
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