View Full Version : Cut3d 1 Thru 4 Sides Declaration

08-21-2013, 10:21 AM
I have been told the 2 sides selection provides greater than 180 degrees in the available to be milled area vs. the 4 sides selection on the set up screen.

Since the source of this information was from an authority on the matter, I now ask you the users of Cut3d what occurs if I were to mill a surface vs. a
solid file?

I have been told contradicitons...one person said it will mill it as if it were a "solid" which is what we want for each slice Cut3d provides. I was told it will
try to mill the internal void in addition to the drawn surface. Which will it do?

Since I do not have a ShopBot with which to test whether it mills as if it were a solid, we are left out here on a limb with a project. I can provide the file
with which someone can test this for us if willing to be so kind .

08-21-2013, 11:05 AM
Have you tried the cut3d trial from Vectric? All their trial versions are fully functional, with the exception that you can't create a toolpath that you can actually run on a tool.

You will get a preview simulation though, and the ability to try out different options to see which ones give you the results you're looking for.


08-21-2013, 11:24 AM
I have been told the 2 sides selection provides greater than 180 degrees in the available to be milled area vs. the 4 sides selection on the set up screen.

Since the source of this information was from an authority on the matter, I now ask you the users of Cut3d what occurs if I were to mill a surface vs. a
solid file?

I have been told contradicitons...one person said it will mill it as if it were a "solid" which is what we want for each slice Cut3d provides. I was told it will
try to mill the internal void in addition to the drawn surface. Which will it do?

Since I do not have a ShopBot with which to test whether it mills as if it were a solid, we are left out here on a limb with a project. I can provide the file
with which someone can test this for us if willing to be so kind .

Below are the sliced segments as a result of Cut3d (demo) I have not attempted to derive the mill path since the demo does not permit this to occur.

This is the reason I am here asking for assitance...

The contradiction is I was told the Alpha will mill the file as a solid and not mill beyond the drawing elements.

08-21-2013, 04:05 PM
Ed - the Cut3d Demo version allows you to see the toolpath - visually for each slice. You should be able to take your model, slice it, simulate the toolpath for each slice and then check if that's what will work for your needs. See pic.

Brady Watson
08-21-2013, 04:45 PM
What you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) in Cut3D, when it comes to toolpath simulation. If you are satisfied with the look of screenshots you have attached in your post today, then that is what you will get when you machine them in foam.

You will most likely not want to use a 4-sided strategy because it does not support model slicing, which for obvious reasons wouldn't work for you. 1 and 2-sided model slicing is supported in Cut3D. Unless you have an indexer or 5-axis tool, it would be physically impossible to access more than 180 degrees per side. Perhaps the 'Cut Plane' parameter is what your advisor was referring to? This can restrict or allow deeper than 1/2 model thickness tool access on 2-sided models that have concave details.

Now, in terms of cutting the center of a 'donut' or toroidal shape, Cut3D *should* avoid these areas as long as you have 'Use Model Silhouette' checked, which should be the only option available anyway if you had the 'Minimize Slice Areas' checked when you sliced your model. Cut3D should both avoid the 'donut hole' as well as material-high ambient areas of your sliced models. I have tested this with both a sliced sphere and toroid to verify what I am telling you is correct.


08-21-2013, 05:21 PM
Thanks Tom & Brady!

Later I will reslice with 'Minimize Slice Areas' selected and the 2 sided milling instead of the 4 side. This file has some
errors along the "seam" between left and right half after mirroring the original single side. This minor error is easily repaired
prior to lamination.

Will post results when I get back... :)

08-23-2013, 12:01 PM
Just an overall image of where I am headed. This is a mill path example.



I appreciate your patience while I fumble through this...:D