View Full Version : New installation help - proximity and zzero
11-05-2006, 08:06 PM
Hi.. just finished assembling a new PRT alpha 96 here in orlando.. but i'm having a load of troubles getting it set up the first time.
The machine is fully assembled and with the K command I can move it perfectly on all axis using the keyboard.. Problems seem to come into play when I use the 'shopbot setup' under tools to get the prox switches and the zzero set up.
I go thru the screens tell it I want it to automatically do the prox setup and the machine goes down the X axis slowly (I assume it's looking for the switches).. however, it passes right by the switches (yes, the red light comes on and the pc sees the switch activate) but the shopbot never stops, it hits the metal hard stops and the unit resets. Then, even though I set the z3 at a safe spot for a full zero, if I do a Jog Home command, it tries to jog right off the table again instead of returning to the 0,0 that I had set. any ideas what i'm doing wrong? Anyone in the orlando area that would be willing to lend a hand??
Brady Watson
11-05-2006, 08:16 PM
Sounds to me like you don't have the black wire connected to input3 in the control box. If the light comes on when it hits the target, then that tells me that you have power (red +5 and green gnd), but not TTL level/data input (the black wire in Input3)
Check your wiring...I'm sure that's all it is.
11-05-2006, 08:42 PM
That was the first thing I thought too.. but the connections are solid. When the prt crosses over a prox switch, the icon on the screen changes, so there's feedback to the pc that a switch has been activated.. i'm lost
11-05-2006, 09:17 PM
If the red light comes on and the PC does see the switch activated... I'd have to say something in the software is ignoring the input.
I think I'd try a fresh install of the control software in case I'd changed something unknowingly. Beyond that I'd have to say I'd be stumped too.
11-05-2006, 09:42 PM
Hi brian
Did you load the firmware ?.
11-05-2006, 10:40 PM
Firmware? what do you mean there? I did have to install the drivers for the shopbot that were in the control box.. can't say i've seen any firmware updates anywhere around in these books..
11-06-2006, 03:54 AM
Try iNput switch modes (VN) and make sure that Input Switch #3 Mode is :- 1 - as Limit Switch.
I've had the same problem in the past. Making sure the above was displayed solved my problem.
11-06-2006, 03:54 AM
You can find it under "Utilities" second up from the bottom "Install controlbox firmware"
Is the input (by default #1) for the limit switches is set to LIMIT SWITCHES instead of STANDARD SWITCHES (VN command; first parameter)?
11-10-2006, 04:59 PM
Brian, we just bought our first SB, Alpha 120, i'm having problems finding tech info in the owner's manual, since there is no new manual..
My zero plate has a red,green,black wires, i dont know where to put them b/c our manual says zeroplate: right block 1=black and GND=white,,,, the only red,green,black wires are the proximity switches, any help is greatly appreciated
Can you see which wire is used at the Z plate end (should only use two of the three)?
In fact, my home made Z plate only have one, the other is a ground at the router body (in your case, probable a aligator clip)...
11-10-2006, 07:17 PM
i have the new zplate with a grey connector,, the green is tied to the plate and the black is tied to the clip, they are tied together in the grey connector, then out of the connector going to the control box side is a red,green,and black, the owner's manual isnt up to date on lotta this stuff,, any ideas ?? Thank you PACO
Ryan Patterson
11-10-2006, 08:11 PM
The Z zero plate usually has a red white and black. The black wire goes to input #1 , white wire goes to ground and the red wire I think is used if you have a probe and would go to +5. In your case you do not have a white but have a green and would wire it to ground.
I reread your post. If the green wire is going to the plate then the green would go to input #1 and black would be ground.
Wago connector, I see. I'd say forget about the red wire. A multimeter could you here to ease the figuring out but even if you swap the wires, I believe the Z plate will work just fine.
So one go into input #1 and the other go into the input ground.
Try it from there (zero air first) and you'll see how it's going. The ultimate test is actually touching the Z plate with the clip (which usually clamp the tool bit) and look the at DRO to see if the input #1 lit up. The rest is about the Zzero routine and the one SB provide is good. Make sure you run the SB setup ("T"ools command) so your "my_variables.sbc" file contain all the required values.
11-11-2006, 01:04 PM
Paco is right.. I went thru this too. The wago connector is for the digitizing head if you get one later.. the Red wire would be the one for the digitizer.. I went ahead and connected it per the instructions in the manual so I don't have to go back in the control box later.
As for my original problems with the prox switches, well, i'll just say this. If the book says connect something to pin 2, don't connect it to pin 1
I dunno about most of you, but for getting started with this I found the manual I recieved to be quite out of date when compared to the actual hardware that showed up. Frustrating at times, but thankfully the shopbot guys were always there to answer the questions.
11-14-2006, 12:52 AM
Thanks you guys for the help, Zplate & prox switches are installed. Brian, i agree 110% about the manual, its been nerve racking @ times, its all coming together,,finally !!
I've decided to change the 3phase motor on our vaccum system,, now i got a brand new motor & 3 phase inverter i gotta sell !! any fellow botters in need of one, let me know, it's a week old,
I'm sure i'll be asking more questions cosidering i'm new to the SB Forum
11-27-2006, 02:41 AM
EDIT: i have decided to keep our original 3phase motor and inverter. NOT for sale
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