View Full Version : Move to a new computer
11-22-2007, 11:07 PM
Hello All,
I'm replacing my computer. Is there any way I could copy/export the parameters files/settings (Control Software) from the old computer to the new computer so that I don't have to go thru the setting again ? Also, Is there the same in Part Wizard to copy the bits info/database ?
RTP Signs
Durham, NC.
Hi Marwan!
Good thinking; preventive approach.
You need the following files to restore your current controller PC settings.
shopbot.ini - C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\
problem.Log (optional) - C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\
sbsys.log - C:\Program Files\ShopBot\ShopBot 3\Bin\
All that folder tree - C:\SbParts\
And any other files that you believe you may need later. In fact, it could be a good time to make a system backup with Windows utility and you'll be able to recover those files later if you need them.
Your PartWizard tool database is named 'tool_database.tdb' and it should be in the '\Exec\' folder of PartWizard program files folder... I believe it's in the Shopbot folder (C:\Program Files\ShopBot). I don't use PartWizard anymore but a search with 'tool_database.tdb' should found it quick.
Hope that help.
11-23-2007, 08:18 AM
Paco and All,
All I could say THANK YOU, This is a great company and great support. I ask my question and go to bed, I checked when I wake-up and the great answer I want it is there.
Thanks Paco, you would not beleive the time you saved me. I'm sure my next upgrade router will be from Shopbot also.
Marwan Samara
RTP Signs & Graphics
Durham, NC.
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