View Full Version : 22.5 degree cuts?

10-16-2013, 12:54 PM
I need to join two pieces at a 45 degree angle, and one of them is too big (and oddly shaped) to put on my table saw. Has anyone used 22.5 degree V bits to cut matching pieces like this? My material is .75" thick, so I'd need a bit that will allow multiple passes to get the total depth.

thanks for any info,

10-16-2013, 01:54 PM
I haven't specifically used a 22.5° bit to make a joint, but I routinely use a 45° bit to make boxes with a waterfall grain pattern. My joints have all been les than 16" in length, but there's no reason it wont work on a larger scale. I've found that I have to have a pristine spoil board under the joint to support the veneer while being cut, I can however make extended runs of the same project with the same spoil board surface. Attempts to make a "fold up" joint where the last little bit of the bottom is left un cut, have been disappointing...


10-16-2013, 02:40 PM
Yes I have.
Amana makes a good one that is an accurate 22.5 degrees as I recall.

10-16-2013, 04:22 PM
Yes I have.
Amana makes a good one that is an accurate 22.5 degrees as I recall.
it sucks and I don't think they make it anymore. I bought one for this job and the cut was off 1.5 or 2 degrees I can't remember now for sure. the carbide knife was off. Plus there is no way to get anotehr knife back in accuratly there is nothing to index against it. When I called amana they said they had only sold 4 or 5 to dealers

10-16-2013, 04:45 PM
I had bought one and used it years ago for some octagon shaped porthole frames and it worked well, but it wasn't an insert type. I could be mistaken about the brand but I thought it was theirs.

10-16-2013, 06:37 PM
I have one from WhiteSide I used it for a flag box. I worked well. I'll walk out to the shop and see if I can find the package.

10-16-2013, 06:52 PM
I have one from WhiteSide I used it for a flag box. I worked well. I'll walk out to the shop and see if I can find the package.

OK, it is:
Chamfer bit
22-1/2 degree angle
1/2 shank
7/8 cutting height
15/16 cutting length
2-3/4 overall length


I paid $31 for mine this year
once I had the part # it was easier to find here (http://www.woodcraft.com/Product/2008071/6283/Whiteside-2307-Edge-Bevel-Router-Bit-22-12-A-12-SH-1516-CL-X-78-CH-2-34-OL.aspx). :D


10-16-2013, 07:07 PM
Beginner questions time:

I need the cut an angle on the entire thickness. Would I cut my part with an end mill on the shopbot and then use a hand router to go back over it for the angle?

I can't use the bearing with my thru cut, so I 'd need to use another means to keep the hand router on path.

Am I missing anything?


10-16-2013, 07:17 PM
I had bought one and used it years ago for some octagon shaped porthole frames and it worked well, but it wasn't an insert type. I could be mistaken about the brand but I thought it was theirs.
this was the insert. it was a joke really lucky the client bought it not me.

10-16-2013, 07:45 PM
No you aren't missing anything. A piloted bit would not work. If you can't find a bit intended to be run on a CNC machine, you might have to clamp a straight edge to your material and use the bearing bit in a hand held router...

When I tried to search for a bit, I found horrible inconsistency in nomenclature... A bit that cuts a 22.5 angle should be called by its included angle or a 45° bit. That made for many false searches!


10-16-2013, 07:55 PM

RC-1045 looks to be what I need.

thanks everyone!

10-16-2013, 10:33 PM
I would listen to Steve-He didn't like the Amana insert and he is highly skilled.
I would listen to Joe-The Whiteside worked well and he is highly skilled.
I checked my cabinet after work-It's the Whiteside I used, and not an Amana.
If you buy a bunch of Whitesides from Ballew Tool you get a discount. Good customer service and usually same day shipping.

10-17-2013, 12:18 AM
I listen, really I do. And I buy Whiteside almost exclusively. But I do not see a Whiteside bit that does what I need, and I need this job completed in a timely manner. So I will start with the Amana and see if it does the small quantity I need in the short term. Expensive, yes, I hope it works.

10-17-2013, 02:27 AM
at the time the insert was all I could find.

Brady Watson
10-17-2013, 09:14 AM
If you are crafty you can put that angle on your material with just an end mill, and creative toolpathing & offsetting vectors. It won't be a smooth as an angled bit, but a few swipes with sandpaper or a scraper and you're there. So if the Amana insert doesn't work out - you have an alternative.

Please report back and let us know how that bit works for you. I have a few of the larger angle Amana insert bits & they are awesome.


10-17-2013, 01:21 PM
this job does not even require a cnc router (gasp blasphemy) just cut the angle on a block of material on the tablesaw then double side tape or clamp or nail the part to the block and run it through the tablesaw.

10-18-2013, 01:05 AM
this job does not even require a cnc router (gasp blasphemy) just cut the angle on a block of material on the tablesaw then double side tape or clamp or nail the part to the block and run it through the tablesaw.

If my part was small enough, I'd do it on my tablesaw like all the other angles I make. But this is a 60" by 30" piece of 2-sided melamine and the section with the 22.5 degree cut is at 75 degrees from the only straight side I have. Too many issues for me to expect myself to do it properly on the tablesaw. At least I get to try something new, right?