View Full Version : Spindle speeds automatic?
11-28-2013, 03:44 AM
I'm using Aspire/VCarve Pro with my ShopBot Desktop and using GWizard to calculate my speeds and feeds.
Do the speeds I set in my design get sent to my Desktop's spindle automatically? Does the knob on the spindle controller need to be in a specific position if I want the speeds from the design? Is there a "go to whatever speed the design file says to go at" setting?
I noticed during a job, that the spindle control knob was set about midway, and that i could vary the spindle speed while the job was running.
11-28-2013, 07:13 AM
The desktop doesn't have an automatic control from the control unit in the same way that the larger ShopBots do as far as I'm aware.
You have to set your spindle speed manually using the controls on the front of the Spindle VFD unit.
The Desktop Quick start guide covers the relationship between what you see on the display and the equivalent for RPM settings.
F100 = 6000rpm, F200 = 12,000rpm for example.
11-28-2013, 09:22 AM
I had the same questions for my desktop. At the northwest shopbot camp a month ago, I confirmed the same thing, speed adjustments have to be done manaully at the VFD. I was told there was a couple hunderd dollar componant that would have been required to have software control of spindle speeds. It was left out to keep costs down.
11-29-2013, 01:04 PM
12-02-2013, 07:28 PM
I'm competely surprised that there's no auto-speed for the spindle.
Does anyone know what it would take to upgrade to do auto-speed?
12-02-2013, 07:42 PM
I agree that it should at least be a factory option unless there are engineering considerations we are unaware of. We probably would have sprung for the extra cash. It does make it easy for dialing in unfamiliar woods and bits though.
Brady Watson
12-02-2013, 09:22 PM
Call SB & ask. You may be able to use the spindle speed control board, but I do not know if it is compatible with the Delta VFD-S series. They are tiny and I don't know if there is even enough room in the box for the card to fit. Plus, I do not believe that there are settings in the spindle speed control exe for the VFD-S - so even if you wired up the card correctly, there may not be software to support it.
You have to keep in mind that costs on the surface are not the same as real costs - meaning that SB developers would have to invest time & energy developing, testing and supporting this specifically for the VFD-S, which is only available on the DT & no other tool. Yes, it may cost $300 for the board, but that's only part of the picture.
Call SB tomorrow & ask about the possibility.
12-03-2013, 07:39 AM
Thanks for explaining Brady.
12-03-2013, 10:18 AM
It was in an effort to keep the cost of the Desktop down. We do have this on the list to have as an option, but do not have a completion day set. Rewriting a section of the software is what is the hold up. The proto call to the Desktop VFD is not the same as that of the Gantry machines (they do not speak the same language).
The spindle RPM controller was not offered on the Gantry machines until the ATC (Automatic Tool Changer) was released. The RMP controller is needed on the ATC because the RMP would most likely need change with the cutter, and the operator may not be there to make the adjustment when the tool change occurs. With a none ATC the operator will be there every time the cutter is changed. You can add a pause statement to the file to post a message telling the operator what to set the RMP to. This pause can also be added to the post so you would not need to edit the files.
I hope this helps to explain.
Ryan Patterson
ShopBot Tools, Inc.
04-06-2014, 03:29 PM
Ryan, has there been any progress in implementing the auto-speed control? Is there an estimate for when it will be started/completed?
04-06-2014, 05:04 PM
Steve, Not sure Ryan will see this here. That was just a copy of his response in an e-mail after I asked Dianne in sales to forward the correct person. Probably best to e-mail or call Shopbot direct.
04-06-2014, 06:17 PM
I can do spindle speed control on my machine but I never use it. I probably would if I had to do series production of the same part but for my one-off projects (rarely small quantities) I want to have manual control.
The rpm range is anyway limited. I usually don't go below 9k rpm because the spindle power/torque goes way down and not often beyond 17k rpm except for the 1/16" end mills. In between there I set the spindle speed by ear. You can hear when the machine is most happy.
04-06-2014, 07:52 PM
It would be really cool to have that speed controlled by the files, and I admit, until this thread started, I assumed the Desktop did have control of the spindle speed (as "software-controlled RPM" was always something I associated with the magical world of spindles - I still use a PC router on my Buddy). And at $7,000+, it's certainly at a price-point where you would think it could somehow find its way in there.
I ordered a Desktop anyway, so obviously not a deal-breaker for me, but it would be a great option in the future.
04-06-2014, 08:06 PM
Congratulations on your purchase! good timing with the increased Z and extra limit switches. You'll love it. Not really such a big deal as I only use my database as a baseline and often make the same item out of different woods and each cuts a little different so constantly tweaking new bits for best speed and quality of cut. It was a good way to learn the machine for us.
04-07-2014, 03:49 AM
Thanks Scott! Yeah it's arriving tomorrow, but my new workshop isn't really ready and the new control computer isn't arriving until mid-week, so I likely won't get to use it for another week or so. No rush, plenty of other things to do this week.
I'm looking forward to the increased accuracy of the Desktop for my smaller pieces (certainly less strain on the X motor than my Buddy's X motor with the 8' PowerStick), and the stability and lower noise of the spindle.
04-07-2014, 07:18 AM
Make sure all the proximity switches connections are firmly attached and haven't moved. On our two and one in Texas X,24 connectors had been loosened in shipping and on 2 Y,18 switch had to be moved back 1/8" to run the surfacing routine. All 3 of the first DT's with the additional prox's were shipped with the switches set to "OFF" but Bob D. didn't mention it, so I think Now that they are standard they set the SB3 for them at the factory. But JUST in case, here's an excerpt From Nate's e-mail to me when we were trying to figure out why mine(the first) were not working(I hate the sound of hard stops:)
Hi Again Scott,
I’d like to check with the gentleman that did the final assembly of the tool, but he’s gone for the afternoon.
In the meantime there are a few points I can make and tests that you can do.
First, are you going past the limits while testing them in keyboard mode or while actually cutting a file? The proximity switch logic is set up to stop the tool when it is first hit, and then they allow movement so that the user can move off the switch. Because of this, people who repeatedly click attempting to approach the limit will go past it without realizing and end up with a hard stop. The best way to test is to hold the key down and wait for the machine to either hit the switch and stop or hit the hard stop then release.
To the best of my understanding these switches were installed from the factory as a set of normally open switches in a parallel circuit. What I’m not sure of is which input your auxiliary proximity switches are set to. You can test this on the X axis. Approach it and see if it activates an input light (likely 2 or 3) on the Position window.
Finally take a look at your Input/Output Switch Modes under Values. Limits should be set to on. Input Switch 3 should be a normally open limit. If input 2 is used it should be a normally open limit as well.
Let us know what you’re seeing with this and we’ll continue to work with you tomorrow if this doesn’t help you resolve it.
04-07-2014, 09:05 PM
Thank you for that, Scott. I will keep this info in mind when I set it up.
04-08-2014, 08:11 AM
Been talking to Bob D.,and I misunderstood he got X24-Y18 prox switches. He DID get upper limit prox switch and he sent pics of his screen and all his VN inputs were set correctly so you should be good out of the box:) Sorry if I spooked you. Have fun!
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