View Full Version : Good size table top for the Desktop?
12-19-2013, 05:23 PM
I've got a solid 36x36" metal frame I'm going to drop a MDF top on for my Desktop/Sindle when it arrives. What's a comfortable size? I've got a seperate table for the computer and accessories so this will just be for bot.
Guess what I'm asking is can I keep it a 36x36, tight profile with the VDF hanging over the edge or do you find having additional elbow space necessary on the sides?
Roy Harding
12-20-2013, 07:14 PM
My cabinet for the Desktop measures 33" X 33" - plus a 10" shelf in front to hold the laptop. It's been fine for five years now.
You should have plenty of space using 36".
Brady Watson
12-20-2013, 08:50 PM
36 x 36" will be just fine. The center to center distance of the feet under the Desktop measures about 28.5" Left to Right & 27" front to back. The actual footprint is larger, but as long as the feet can rest OK at those sizes, you'll be fine.
12-21-2013, 07:57 AM
I just bought a 30 x 36 stainless steel rolling table from a restaurant supply house. Fits like it was made for it.!
01-10-2014, 02:33 PM
How about the height? I'm 5' 11" (180cm).
What height do people like for the Desktop work surface and how high is that surface from the bench on which the Desktop rests?
I'm thinking that the work surface should be somewhere between 36" and 40" so that one doesn't have to bend over so much when changing cutting tools, but I'm curious what others have found to be the best height.
Brady Watson
01-10-2014, 05:53 PM
It's about 7" or so to the top of the MDF bed from the bottom of the feet - so size your table accordingly. My table sits about 33" from the floor to table top and that puts the top of the bed at around 40", which is a little too tall for my liking, but not too bad since I am over 6'.
Try out some different heights and see what works best for you - and picture the work surface 7" above your table height.
01-12-2014, 12:28 PM
My table sits about 33" from the floor to table top and that puts the top of the bed at around 40", which is a little too tall for my liking, but not too bad since I am over 6'.
I would have thought that this would be the ideal height, putting the router/spindle closer to eye level when changing tools. A 40" table would mean that the collet is at ~42", meaning less bending over. Why does 40" feel too high?
(I want to build a tool chest into my table for storage, but the chest is 32" tall, so that would mean my planned table would end up about 33" high as well.)
Brady Watson
01-12-2014, 07:08 PM
Everybody works differently - so the only advice I could give you is to try out different heights - or make/buy a table with adjustable legs that you can tweak up or down.
I don't like machine tools too high up in the air. I like to keep the center of gravity low to keep it from doing the watusi...Just today I sectioned out 6" from a pair of steel tables that were 36" high. Otherwise my lathe chuck would have been @ 48"+ and I wanted to get that weight down low and reduce the possibility of getting smacked in the head if/when something flys off :eek:
01-12-2014, 08:12 PM
John, I personally am in a wheelchair, but with the Desktop at 30" benchtop height and keyboard/monitor on casters---EVERYTHING is within arms reach. Trained someone and he used an office chair! Easier to change bits, Z-Zero, check clearances everything. When Dad was looking over his shoulder one afternoon, he stood up all the time- He couldn't see the collet nut for wrenches/check the bit insert depth as well/ or sight across the wood for safe Z jogging. His back was hurting and his feet were sore from the concrete floor in one afternoon. Just saying with the Desktop you can sit on your butt all day and do everything. Call me lazy.:)
01-15-2014, 11:36 AM
My crate-made bench is 33" wide which is enough for the gantry to move over bench area. Even with that, I find myself tempted to place object in that pathway. One could debate if it is better to have the gantry ends moving over the bench (protected from other benches being moved against it) or hanging over the edge (to thwart the temptation to place object on the flat horizontal surface and obstruct the gantry end).
I am content with my bench; but different folks focus on different things.
Brady Watson
01-15-2014, 12:24 PM
Guess I need sunglasses on my avatar now...:cool:
02-01-2014, 11:28 PM
I ended up making my table 32½" high (limited by the tool chest I wanted to incorporate). This ends up being just about right for the ShopBot, although the computer needs to be significantly higher for comfortable use standing.
02-02-2014, 08:09 AM
John, Elegant set-up! Wall mount swing arm for monitor/keyboard with height adjustment? A rolling office chair would put you at perfect height for bit change/Z set also.
Brady Watson
02-02-2014, 09:42 AM
That room looks way too pretty...The dust foot works pretty well, but on certain jobs (like dados for instance) chips & dust can spray out of the kerf beyond what the foot is capable of slurping up. Keep this in mind.
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