View Full Version : Poor cut quality 90 degree insert tooling

Bob Eustace
01-15-2014, 08:33 PM
Giving the HerSaf VS090 a try. getting dreadful results compared to brazed carbide. Tip seems to be off centre. Any clues anyone or is this normal for this sort of cutter? Result is fair on letters but not acceptable on graphics. Pis show a brazed bit and the HerSaf result.

01-15-2014, 09:12 PM

This is normal for Her-Saf. Absolute worst insert bit ever made! Get your money back if you can.

Get a CMT (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000P4LP4Q/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1).

01-15-2014, 09:29 PM
That's horrible.

01-15-2014, 10:14 PM
I have really enjoyed the Dimar insert cutters I have. I bought a 90 and 60 degree - and although they are not cheap they are excellent. They look the same as the Amana (I think Dimar might make some tooling for Amana, as I have several shaper cutters made in Europe by Dimar and they too look exactly like the Amana ones).

There is enough excellent tooling on the market not to have to use poor stuff, that's for sure.


01-15-2014, 10:28 PM
Buy some centurion tools www.centuriontools.com

btw how hot is it there?The news said 113 degrees and wildfires

Bob Eustace
01-16-2014, 03:24 AM
Super hot Jack! 110 here in the mountains but 115 in Adelaide apparently the hottest city on the planet. This is our third day of this and tomorrow will be worse because of high winds. We are debating whether to head off to the city in the motorhome tomorrow as we have fires in three directions. We only got out by 15 minutes last time 5 years ago - but we probably have the best early warnings on the planet now after Royal Commissions etc. BUT this all falls over if the phone towers burn or power goes out. Electricity consumption has doubled to break all records. Fellow Shopbot owner is 2000 kms away and two fires heading towards his home base about 100 kms from us. At present we have 55 uncontrolled fires out of the 1000 we started the day with. Trouble is the fire fighters are exhausted.

Scott and Andrew

Thanks for the info. I should have had more sense as the dead give away is 1/4 UNF thread holding up a 13,000 RPM cutter head. It cant run true as there is nothing to locate on. Will follow up your suggestion Andrew. Thanks guys! The ironic thing here is I bought this head to save money on brazed bits! Anyone want any investment advice!!! Feel free to ask!

01-16-2014, 05:28 AM
Bob, any fires near Strathfieldsaye?:(

Bob Eustace
01-16-2014, 10:31 AM
Hi Scott
Have just checked and a small one was near Flora Hill and Kennington but it is now safe. Problem today is temps expected between 44 and 47 degs C throughout Victoria with SW wind change this afternoon. Yesterday morning were over 1000 fires, lots lightning strikes due to dry storms, but fortunately this is now under 100.

We are nervous because thats what happened on Black Saturday five years ago.
Kangaroo Ground is about 18 kms SW from Kinglake and that fire is contained but not safe. We will watch VicFires and FireReady apps and leave early if it looks bad. Hopefully the winds wont be strong as they were that other day.

You guys freeze and we have this - what a contrast.
Take care - Chrissy checking her apps at 2.30 am

Brady Watson
01-16-2014, 11:35 AM
I don't know if the HerSaf bits have an RPM recommendation on them or not (check to make sure you don't violate max RPM) - but you have two things to consider. First, I am pretty sure it is a single flute tool and that means that it is going to scrape the material only half as much as a 2-flute brazed on tip v-bit - so, if possible, slow your speeds down (like 0.7,0.5 IPS) and increase RPM (crank it all the way up if it is safe to do so).

The other thing is bamboo...it is a stringy grass and if your chipload is too high then it is going to move strands around in ways you don't want it to. You'll get best results with a light chipload @ high RPM and lower move speed. You have to remember - you are running a router - not a milling machine, so crank those RPM up. It's that higher RPM that enables clean cuts in soft materials. Give it a try & see if things improve before to totally give up on that bit.


01-16-2014, 11:49 AM
Thanks Bob, all those apps warn non-residents not to use them as they are close to overload, Just worried about Graeme as haven't heard from in days. You take care.:(

01-16-2014, 12:15 PM
...The other thing is bamboo...it is a stringy grass and if your chipload is too high then it is going to move strands around in ways you don't want it to.....

I got to somewhat disagree about the bamboo material. I happen to know somewhat about that because my entire CNC machine (frame, gantry and z-plate) is constructed from bamboo sheet (300 pounds of it). For me it is one of the nicest materials to work with because it cuts very clean, no fuzz, minimal dust and the "natural" sheets are more rigid than usual hardwoods. The brownish heat treated bamboo is not so good. Not cheap and limited availability, though.

Anyway, i suspect the bit is really the culprit here.

Bob Eustace
01-16-2014, 02:38 PM
Will let you know if we see anything around there.

01-16-2014, 04:27 PM
Heard from G. . Fires are north and east of him, mainly grass. Thanks Chrissy.