View Full Version : ShopBot No Longer Being Recognized

01-19-2014, 04:55 PM
15 minutes into a 2.5 hour job, the ShopBot stops moving (but the spindle stays ON).
I get a popup saying:

An error is occurring that could not be corrected. You will need to exit, check all cables, then restart the software. Tool location may no longer be accurate.

The carriage is not moving quickly. The bit is not stalling or getting jammed.

The only weird thing is that AdAware keeps popping up a reminder that I haven't renewed my anti-virus subscription. (Could that popup be causing a problem?)

01-19-2014, 05:19 PM
Very likely! Everything should be stripped out that is not necessary to running the 'bot. Any power savers,antivirus,windows updates,screensavers etc. I'm sure others will chime in shortly that know more than me, but start with those.

01-19-2014, 06:01 PM
adaware is garbage on a control computer as it comes on and uses resources whenever it wants. Not good. Get rid of it. While you're at it download and run (one at a time) malwarebytes anti malware, cc cleaner, and atf cleaner. These are all free programs. Then, assuming you are using a dedicated computer for your control computer (and if you are not you should be) go to the Black Viper site and follow their instructions to clean the other cr-p (services, upgrade checkers, etc) off your computer.
The only place on the internet you should ever go with your control computer is the SB main site if you need to upgrade software. Even that can easily be handled by a jump drive. If you use your control computer properly you need no antivirus at all, as you won't be exposing it to invasion. That means don't use it for You-tube, facebook, this forum, e-mail or ANYTHING not directly related to running your mill.

01-20-2014, 12:23 PM
But what Dave said is absolutely correct.

01-24-2014, 04:46 PM
... go to the Black Viper site and follow their instructions to clean the other cr-p (services, upgrade checkers, etc) off your computer.
Do you mean the "super tweaks" pages (i.e., for Windows 7 (http://www.blackviper.com/2009/10/01/black-vipers-windows-7-super-tweaks/))?

01-24-2014, 05:03 PM
While you're at it download and run (one at a time) malwarebytes anti malware, cc cleaner, and atf cleaner.
I can see how "anti malware" is a good thing to run in general (although it sounds like it runs in the background itself which could be an issue).

But CC cleaner just removes web history and ATF Cleaner just removes temporary files. Also, ATF cleaner looks pretty old (says it's only for XP and 2000, but later mentions Vista), so I'd be cautious about using it on 7 or 8. I guess these two programs would be useful for recovering disk space, but it doesn't appear from their descriptions that they do anything to remove background processes.

I plan to use Windows 7 32bit on an old PC with 2Gb of memory if that makes any difference.

01-24-2014, 06:40 PM
This is the part I meant:


(Services tab)
Per advise I install anti-malware, run it, and then uninstall, as the rest of clean-up software.
Remember this is for a computer you keep isolated.

09-17-2018, 09:59 AM
Hi Guys, this same problem poped up on my screen today...I have tried everything as per this thread but no luck....Today is the start of a 3 month cutting period for a collection of moulds and I need help.

09-17-2018, 10:48 AM
Get rid of adaware use Blackviper like bleeth said then take the computer off the internet.