View Full Version : Blue Pine

01-26-2014, 05:15 AM
Hi Dave,

I saw your post about "Blue Pine" and I agree with you it does look great.

In Oz we have a timber from Tasmania called Black Heart Sassafras. It is very much like the Blue Pine in the photo attached to the article except it is pale gold and rich black. A very beautiful timber, works brilliantly, finishes to a very even shine and will kill you. (If you do not handle it correctly). The fungus that causes the black "features" is highly toxic. I would ask the producers of Blue Pine if that is the same with the fungus that causes the blue "Features".

Treat with caution.



01-26-2014, 09:51 AM
Not sure what blue pine is. I am thinking its the same thing a beetle kill. Not sure of the chemical reaction, but when the beetle kills the pine there is a bluing effect left in the wood. Sometimes which is real pretty you get streaks of red with in the blue.

I use to work with it a lot but do mostly 3-d now and pine is not hard enough.

Now in the picture, this was my first sign and I was against the clock and its really no winner and I made lots of mistakes, but check out the colors in the board.

01-26-2014, 10:23 AM
According to Don and a quick internet search, yep that's the same thing. I would imagine that since the change is caused by Beetle's killing the wood, rather than fungus in it like the Black Heart Sassafras., the issue of poison is not the same.

Bob Eustace
01-26-2014, 04:50 PM
Gosh David we use a Tassie Sassafras cutting board almost everyday. Probably why I feel so crook! Our chippie mate with the sinus cancer is out of hospital at last but sadly will be on a disability pension for life. Funny how you never come across a health warning on timber eh?