View Full Version : 2014 Northern Florida Camp ShopBot March 22

Camp ShopBot
01-30-2014, 01:31 PM
This year's Northern Florida area Camp ShopBot is Saturday, March 22 in Tallahassee. Our host is Professor Robert Coleman from Florida State University's Theatre Technical Production department. They have a huge new facility (a converted middle school!) with a PRS Alpha. Teachers and students are welcome and encouraged to attend!

Please register for this camp using our Google Form. This ensures that we have enough chairs and food for everyone and also lets you indicate which topics are of most interest.
Tallahassee Camp ShopBot (http://docs.google.com/forms/d/14TtU1qxFiOa5hwx4yz-2FmyXwa6xlJYUSFu-Us_hdiM/viewform)

Morning sign-in is from 8am-9am with coffee/doughnuts followed by a morning program 9am-noon, a break for lunch, and then afternoon program 1-4pm. There will be a chance to tour their facilities and see their giant paint/finishing room.

Remember to bring something for the Show and Tell session! Drop us an email at Campshopbot at g mail dot com if you have any questions.

Camp ShopBot
03-05-2014, 04:50 PM
We have over 40 people registered so far, and just a few weeks left to sign up! There are a bunch of ShopBots on FSU's Campus. We are fortunate to be hosted by their Theatre Technical Production Department, which we hear has a huge paint/finishing room. Should be an interesting location and a great day.:)