View Full Version : Kitchen design software

03-29-2009, 05:06 PM
Looking for suggestions for kitchen design software.
I have seen a product called 20 20 but when I did a search I got an overwhelming amount of products with 2020 in the name.
Any help will be appreciated.

03-29-2009, 05:32 PM

I use KCDw for design and to produce my Shopbot code.It's pricy but simple-
I go from design/drawings to cutting on my Shopbot.
It produces exceptional detailed drawings to present to clients that can't "See" what we try to explain to them.
I have the cabinet and closet program.
It's been a real time saver.
Let me know if you more infro.


03-29-2009, 05:47 PM

As far as 20 20 is concerned,It is used by many kitchen designers that repersent commerial(factory) lines of cabinets .You can get the indivdual company's specs uploaded to 20 20.
This will enable the designer to produce drawings using actual company specs-at a cost.
I carry a separate line of cabinets (CWP Cabinetry) and have been able to draw any cabinet,even for this commerial cabinet line.
I guess it all depends on what you want to achieve.
Do you build custom cabinetry or have only a show room,or do both?


03-29-2009, 06:12 PM
Erminio, I build custom cabinets. I am thinking of selling a suppliers line of cabinetry but I think I should just build them and reap more of the profit. What do you think?
I am going to do a search for KCDw.
I need to be able to show customers a picture.
Thanks, David

03-29-2009, 06:30 PM
Ermino,,,,I found the web site. I like what I saw. I filled out the contact information for a Rep to call me. I can't seem to find a price on the site.......must be very expensive as they have financing information on the site. I think I will get the demo version and try it out. $45.00 is not a big price.
I will see after they contact me.

03-29-2009, 06:36 PM
I "inherited" this cabinet line.I have been building custom cabinets for 25 years.I've used KCDw for at least 15 years( I'm guessing).I have found that most people come to me for Custom cabinetry.They want me to build them.I have actaully lost a kitchen because they wanted a "real" custom kitchen.Though, it is nice, to order the cabinets and just install.
These cabinets are an additional feature to what I actually do.
I at times have done a hybrid kitchen-Ordered basic cabinets and did some special work in shop,islands...(espesailly now with the Bot).
When times are busy is good to have a back up cabinet company.Now I build most of the cabinets in house.
Kcdw is a very,very good ,but expensive progam.
Great customer support.
It can do a lot, but not everything.I use it in conjuction with Partworks many times.
If you need Great 3D graphics it can't be beat.

If you want I can call you.Shoot me an email
wberminio@msn.com (mailto:wberminio@msn.com)

03-30-2009, 10:59 AM
The RouterCAD people have a product called AutoCabinets that might suit your needs. I believe it will tie in with EnRoute as well, providing an end-to-end solution.

www.routercad.com (http://www.routercad.com)

03-30-2009, 11:49 AM
I have been useing Pytha since I got my Shopbot in 2002. Everything I make is custom. It has no limitations on what you can draw. I use it for furniture too, chairs included. It does phenominal renderings, you can do virtual walk throughs. www.pytha.com (http://www.pytha.com) feel free to contact me at the email in my profile.

04-04-2009, 01:53 PM
You may want to look at http://www.easycab.com/
From 3D color rendering to DXF files.

05-21-2009, 07:24 PM
Have a look at Cabinet Planner. It is low cost, customizeable. The 3d rendering is a little cartoonish, but it gets the customer (most anyways) what they want. Free lifetime upgrades. I work in a rural area, so high tech renderings are not needed. Good value for me. Beats my old way of custom spreadsheets.
www.cabinetplanner.com (http://www.cabinetplanner.com)

05-21-2009, 09:27 PM
Thermwood and e-Cabinet Systems has made ALL other options obsolete.

09-04-2009, 05:01 AM
I was previously a kitchen designer at one of the large retail home center kinds of stores. I used 20/20 for 6 1/2 years. I believe the stores get a partial capability of what the program is actually capable of. We could not "design" anything. All we could do was select existing cabinet shapes and sizes from the vendors database of cabinets. We were able to position them however we wanted but we couldn't create anything custom because the cabinet companies we were representing only offered "semi-custom". This means you select from their sizes and shapes, but you could specify (to some degree) the wood, the finish, the door style, and construction (particle board or plywood).

The version of 20/20 that we used had no capability to lay out cabinet box parts on sheet goods, no capability to make doors, no cut files, basically no manufacturing capability whatsoever.
Since I have never seen the manufacturing version of the program, I can't comment on what options it may or may not offer.

Let me preface this by saying I don't work for them, I don't rep their software, and I actually didn't like the product I used. With that said,
here's the web site:

and there's a specific CAD related version:

You can get the Kitchen & Bath Design version on sale (half off) for $1995.00 but it will only let you do layouts and create pretty pictures and with that, possibly help you sell jobs. There's probably a yearly fee to maintain access to the databases of cabinets available from various manufacturers.

09-04-2009, 01:07 PM

As Roger mentioned, eCabinets is the best deal around, especially for a Shopbotter.

You can download the software free of charge, create photorealistic renderings, nest your parts, then buy the Shopbot link for only $1295 (compare with ANYTHING else on the market) and then cut it all out. If only it would install and collect payment...

See http://www.shopbottools.com/ecabinets.htm for more info.