View Full Version : Filleting in exchange for models

02-19-2014, 10:33 AM
HI Everyone

this is not a money paying offer or i would have put it in the Job section but more something a retired shop botter who wants some patterns to make might be interested in.

i am putting this up here to see if anyone is interested as you all have V-carve.

this past year we have made hundreds of new designs for makeCNC and its just me and Julie trying to get them all ready to go up on the site.

as many of you would know we offer our patterns in both laser versions and router versions the Router versions having dogbone fillets..and we now have so many new designs to get up we are getting behind on the filleting jobs for many of the patterns.

so i am looking for someone who wants to do the filleting in exchange for a copy of the new model pattern...some of these patterns are fairly complex with a lot of parts so be aware of this but one thing you do get is a copy of the new pattern sometime before anyone else in the world gets to see it it or cut it
the job is really easy just takes time as you know so if you have the spare time
and want copies of our model Patterns just PM me

02-19-2014, 01:26 PM
Paul, I sent you a PM

02-19-2014, 11:26 PM
thank you so much to those of you who responded to my request i have enough people to sink a battleship now...so the filleting offer is now closed until further notice.

but i am interested in talking with anyone who is interested in helping me to convert a lot of our patterns to shopbot desktop format and create the gcode
for these patterns in aspire or Vcarve.

we have developed a special little program that will allow the user to scale the desktop gcode for a given pattern by a small amount in either direction to compensate for small differences in material thickness.

because these wonderful shopbot machines all use the same control software and electronics it allows us to create shopbot specific Gcode versions of our patterns .

this is a new thing for us and we have an awful lot of patterns to convert so to speed things up...i also offer to give patterns in exchange for help in completing this big task if you are interested we can chat on the phone just PM me and i will give you a call to discuss.

we will of course also supply the scaling program for testing. Right now this is a project in its beta testing phase and may take some sorting to get up and running perfectly but i think we are pretty much there..i am always open to suggestions to make it work better..

02-20-2014, 10:17 AM
If you are familiar with Rhino and Grasshopper software, I made a definition that adds the dogbones to all corners of a file. You select inside versus outside curves separately, select bit size, and offset tolerance. It then outputs curves to rhino based on these settings.


http://api.ning.com/files/0Ty7vayRmOgjlaH*HcSH8QkzdTEUXTC5so9EnuMZu0oL4d9AWr anrrxxVUlo-iDOXu7bW4GWNeMZR413sttJ48PitaxL8h1K/Dogbone.png

http://api.ning.com/files/0Ty7vayRmOiw*zAsUvQTk66EqsjExvbOCk4DgGbMmLxMjrLyB8 1xKaSHLEAo2zI8vy*886iIwywofuqm4bMQhJkZ--XVNHmi/Dogbone_Rhino.png

02-20-2014, 03:28 PM
yes i am familiar with Rhino and grasshopper.... we are working on a script here to do some cool things with scaling slots independently of the rest of the drawing using what we call descriptors then re scale to any size you want using the same thickness of plywood or material because the slots scale independently...we have got it running in beta and so far so good but it means re drawing all our patterns to the new intelligent format so it will be a while before we implement it on a wide scale on our website..but its coming..what i would like to do is write a gadget for V - Carve that would do what you describe but i am still trying to get my head a round the LUA scripting language for V-Carve gadgets but i can think of a lot of useful ones when i do :)