View Full Version : CNC Model boat hulls

08-10-2003, 10:08 PM
The Chesapeake Bay Maritime Musuem is introducing a kit that features a CNC
milled hull, laser cut parts, and lots of other quality features. The kits
are a fund-raiser for the museum. The hulls are now produced very
inexpensively with volunteer labor and donated time on a Haas VF-0.

We'd like to develop a second source for the hull in case the kit is as
successful as we hope, or there is a wrinkle in our arrangements for the
freebies. The museum is a non-profit organization, but we are looking for
professional help and will arrange a mutually profitable association.

If you have experience milling or routing complex 3D parts in wood and are
interested, please email me offline for details.


Bill Price

CBMM Model Guild
410 819 0487
Bprice@goeaston.net (mailto:Bprice@goeaston.net)