View Full Version : Spindle 1 terminal block for new prs Standard

Randy Bogardus
02-26-2014, 06:28 PM
Getting down to the nitty gritty here on my tool. I've been through a number of issues...most all of which I created. :o Now it is down to this: the spindle won't run from the command console...it will from the vfd though. All the wiring connections have been checked and double checked and everything looks good except for one item at the blue terminal block for spindle 1...at K1 there isn't a blue wire in that position which in looking at the router to spindle upgrade says that this is correct. However, it also looks like the interlock will not engage without that wire being there. Beyond that, the command console is communicating with the vfd....just can't get the spindle to run from the command console. Any ideas out there?
