View Full Version : Upgrading from Porter Cable router
Tom Bachman
03-01-2014, 12:05 AM
What all has to be done if we want to upgrade from the PC 7518 to a spindle? Probably doesn't matter which Shopbot we are talking about, but we have the Buddy BT32.
03-01-2014, 12:59 AM
Check you PM
Tom Bachman
03-01-2014, 11:34 AM
Thanks for the info. Things I didn't know.
Quietness was one of the big factors, why, I thought, I needed to upgrade. Hadn't thought of the drawbacks of it being quiet. And didn't know the "warm-up" time needed either. Things to consider.
03-01-2014, 09:16 PM
The warm up routine isn't any issue at all. When you are ready to cut something, start the warm up and then get your material ready or something else... 9 minutes goes by faster than you think.
I've owned and used two of those big PC routers in my shop for routing table edges, etc. they are loud and obnoxious... You won't regret a spindle for many reasons. Quiet, smooth, efficient and more power, and easier speed selection.
03-01-2014, 09:55 PM
Well if anyone should know, i'd say AJ and others are experts....BUT..I would take into consideration how much you use it as a factor. If you are a hobbyist and don't use it everyday the amortized cost would be greater.
The cost for repairs and issues that result in needed repairs are a lot more then a router. You can replace a whole router for $300.00, any one repair on a spindle will be more then that.
The router IS loud and obnoxious like AJ says but your dust collection probably drowns out your router, and any noise "savings" will be cancelled out by a loud dust collector.
In the end, you can read the pro's and cons then just go flip a coin and make a decision that way!:D
Keep in mind as well that while spindles tend to run a bit quieter than routers, once they bite into material the screech will be the same, and the screech is most often louder than the machine.
03-02-2014, 09:27 AM
I don't know if it matters for your applications, but I noticed that the "sweet spot" on 1/2 my bits falls smack dab in the middle of your rpm presets. Still a newbie so I'm adding bits and starting to use my exotics so I'm still in the "tweaking" stage and although I use the keyboard shortcut for feed-I hate to go overboard with it as I heard it can cause ramping issues. Nice to be able to tweak the VFD for better chips,cut, and "screaming"(amazing how 1000 rpm change can reduce vibration of the desktop to get a cleaner/quieter cut). my 2 cents.
03-02-2014, 05:21 PM
Well if anyone should know, i'd say AJ and others are experts....BUT..I would take into consideration how much you use it as a factor. If you are a hobbyist and don't use it everyday the amortized cost would be greater.
The cost for repairs and issues that result in needed repairs are a lot more then a router. You can replace a whole router for $300.00, any one repair on a spindle will be more then that.
The router IS loud and obnoxious like AJ says but your dust collection probably drowns out your router, and any noise "savings" will be cancelled out by a loud dust collector.
In the end, you can read the pro's and cons then just go flip a coin and make a decision that way!:D
Dont get me wrong. I'd rather have a CNC with a router than no CNC. Given the choice however I'd take the spindle, assuming the cost isnt going to be any issue.
Here in Canada, a PC router like the one used on the Bot is about $400 or so. My spindle (4HP HSD) was quite a bit more than that... but man, is it sweet :) Worth it for me - other's mileage may vary.
Remember also I always temper my advice based upon the fact this is my living - and I might value different things VS the home user, hobbiest, school, etc. Even VS other industrial/commercial users - who might rather put the $$ into something else instead of a spindle.
03-02-2014, 05:26 PM
I don't know if it matters for your applications, but I noticed that the "sweet spot" on 1/2 my bits falls smack dab in the middle of your rpm presets. Still a newbie so I'm adding bits and starting to use my exotics so I'm still in the "tweaking" stage and although I use the keyboard shortcut for feed-I hate to go overboard with it as I heard it can cause ramping issues. Nice to be able to tweak the VFD for better chips,cut, and "screaming"(amazing how 1000 rpm change can reduce vibration of the desktop to get a cleaner/quieter cut). my 2 cents.
The funny thing is I;ve been using routers for 30 years. I always assumed faster is better... and until I bought my Shopbot and started trying various speeds (I do most of my cutting around 10,000 to 12,000 RPM) I never dialed down the speeds on my hand held routers.
Now, when I do use the hand held routers, I am almost never running at full RPM, and find the noise lower, cut quality better and less wear and burning on my bits. Never too old/experienced to learn!
03-02-2014, 06:16 PM
Andrew, only 20 years here, and only ever had the pc lam. and big plunge with constant speed, but every time I burnt out a bit I went SLOWER to stop it:)
I thought router bits ALWAYS got hot until I got here:)
03-02-2014, 06:48 PM
Is there not a quieter Milwaukee router that people use with a ShopBot ??? Don't remember the model number.
A PC is not that bad at 10-12 K and with the use of 2-4 flutes it is the same as running 20 to 40 k.
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