View Full Version : Open Source Bee Hives

03-16-2014, 07:45 AM
I haven't really read the details yet, but from what I can make out the hives were designed in Rhino and are snap together plywood kits. Potential beekeepers get the plans and give them to their local cnc router.



ron brown
03-16-2014, 10:09 AM
The US "Langstroth" hive has a lot of machinery, extractors, frames and such designed around it.

I tend to agree the Warre and 'Top Bar' hives might be better for the bees. The Langstroth hive pretty much is a communist commune compared to many other designs.

It is interesting they are monitoring the hives.


03-17-2014, 02:08 PM
This is insanely cool. I've been wanting to put out hives forever and was going to design/build my own. This will take all the pain out and I can make them for other folks.

I have no clue how to translate those files at github.
If someone can at least give me a clue, I'll go learn. Just point.
Thank You!!! :)

03-17-2014, 07:47 PM
I still haven't had time to read the website fully, but what about ShopBotters approaching the project organisers and offering their services? From what I can see the project is really about monitoring bees not making bee hives. Having an international network of potential hive-kit makers would make the project more feasible I'd have thought.


03-18-2014, 12:00 AM
From what I could gather they're raising money and for various amounts of donations, you get various perks on the indiegogo platform. I guess that's similar to Kickstarter.

For a $15.00 donation you get the downloadable plans for both styles of hives shown, however in the donation box, it mentions "Estimated delivery: April 2014"

Not sure why it wouldn't be immediate? Maybe they are still finalizing the plans.

03-18-2014, 12:29 AM
I like John's idea. $15 isn't bad either. Love honey on fresh bread and always thought it would be interesting/rewarding to do.

The .ngc files are g-code, but they need restructuring as SB doesn't like Z moves on a line of their own without a G0 or G1 in front of it. Still won't know what kind of tool was used though.

Saw this...

Project Partnerships

The Open Source Beehive project is a collaboration between Fablab Barcelona (http://fablabbcn.org/), Open Tech Forever (https://github.com/opensourcebeehives/Colorado_Top_Bar_v.2.0/blob/master/www.opentechforever.com), and Vallduara (http://www.valldaura.net/).
For partnership inquiries, please email:

03-18-2014, 02:50 AM
A video on the Valldura web site said it was designed in Rhino and shows one being cut out on a ShopBot…

03-20-2014, 06:51 AM
Here's another version of a Top Bar Hive on Sketchup

03-26-2014, 04:58 AM
This kind of go my attention as I just finished making some parts for a prototype extractor for a friend of mine. I spent some time looking at the site and came away with the feeling that it is more about getting you to send money than anything. They seem to have been at this for a while but seem to have a problem coming up with a open source hive design they can put out there. The project has merit but maybe they may need help with the implementation of some of the goals from what I see.

I know there are lots of folks here that would be happy to cut parts so the folks that want to put hives out to improve the bee population can help do just that. Here in Northern Minnesota the population is way down. I have had one good year for apples in the last 4 and that was because one of the locals put out two hives close to me. He ended up with one and the bear ate the other. Bears do like honey.

Just my point of view so take a breath and count to ten.


03-26-2014, 08:00 AM
He ended up with one and the bear ate the other. Bears do like honey.

I think i recall seeing a picture he posted of that....was this it?:rolleyes:

03-29-2014, 09:02 PM
I am sure that was him.