View Full Version : Calibrating proximity switches

JMC Design & Fabrication
03-19-2014, 08:45 PM
I'm new to all this and having some trouble with the initial start up. I'm not ashamed to admit the solution is probably pretty simple but I feel lost. Brand new prs alpha 48x48 with spindle. I need detailed instructions for initially setting these switches. Does the x car and the y/z car need to be against the mechanical stops before I can run the setup file and if so, where do the bolts need to be in relation to the sensor? Somebody please help

03-19-2014, 10:27 PM

space about 1/16"

03-19-2014, 11:38 PM
As far as the gap between the target bolts and the prox sensor, as Gene stated, about 1/16" is good and gives reliable/repeatable results.

The target bolts themselves should be negative of the actual 0,0 corner of your table (typically the lower left corner standing on the X0 side of the machine for your particular model). Set them offset enough to allow some overtravel beyond 0,0. I kind of like to set them about 1/2" from the hard stops to give me as much overtravel as I can, mainly in -X if I want to do some over the end of the table work.

Put a v-bit in your spindle and use it to position your machine so that the v-bit is right at the 0,0 corner of your table. Command a Z2 there to set it to 0,0 and then run the setup routine with 'TS' and it should walk you through it the rest of the way.

Joe Porter
03-20-2014, 09:20 AM
Joseph, you might want to look at the discussion Bill Young has about Table Base Coordinates in the "Help" column in the ShopBot Control main window. It is about half way down the list and is called Zeroing and Table Base Coordinates...hope this may be of some help...joe