View Full Version : Shopbotter business database solution

01-21-2006, 02:27 PM
This is an offer for the update of the Shopbotter Database that was offered on the forum briefly before the crash earlier this month. We incorporated suggestions received from those who tried the initial version and now have a solution that will cover many of the needs of a small business.

The latest version includes the improved ShopBotter Database integrated with a Business System including contact management, file database, task scheduling, inventory, invoicing, email tracking and reports. Having information is great, having it organized is even better.

We encountered difficulties in the delivery of the database last time on account of email file size limits, etc. To receive an email including a link to download through YouSendIt send an e-mail to obdata(at)gmail(dot)com

We tried posting the link here for download without the emailing last time, but YouSendIt allows access only to those whose email is included in the recipient field.

I welcome your feedback,

Jason Oberholtzer
Oberholtzer Data Solutions

01-23-2006, 10:37 AM
Jason,I tried to post here yesterday but system was in admin mode.
This sounds terriffic. I sent an e-mail to the above address with my e-mail name in the addressee and to
obdata@gmail.com (mailto:obdata@gmail.com) but no reply as of this am.
It sounds very exciting so please let me know how I obtain access.

01-23-2006, 03:34 PM
ShopBotter Business Productivity Solution v.2

Here is a list of the different modules with a short description of what each one does:

ShopBotter Database module
This was the original idea of the system, and then I added the rest. It has a Feedspeed Calculator page to calculate feed speeds, chip loads, and spindle rpms. It also has buttons to start the ShopBot control software, the ShopBot editor, and two customizable buttons to start any program you tell it to, such as a CAD program, etc.

The Bit Info page is to track your bits. It has fields to enter all the bits information. It also shows a list of the files that use this bit. You can print out the bit’s info by clicking the “Printable View” button.

The Files page allows you to enter all your files, such as Corel files, ShopBot part files, etc., including the bit used, the material used, blank size, the Contact it is for, etc. etc. You can open the file by double-clicking in the Filename field. It also shows a list of other files with the same file extension and other files for this Contact.

Contacts module
Manage your Contacts easily with this module. You can enter all the Contact’s info, including but not limited to, addresses, company name, phones, web address, and e-mail address. You can send an e-mail by clicking the envelope icon, or open a web address by clicking the Web Address caption. At the bottom of the page there are tabs showing this Contact’s Sales Orders, Files, Related Contacts, and Files.

Inventory module
This module keeps track of your products, their information, and how many you have of them. It allows you to enter a reorder level, and the quantity on hand turns red if it gets below the reorder point. You can also print a Product Catalog with pictures.

Sales Orders module
Sales Orders allows you to track your sales. You can print Invoices, Packing Slips, and various Reports. When you print an Invoice it automatically removes the ordered quantities off inventory and alerts you if there isn't enough of the product in stock. You can also calculate a quote by entering the prices for each process (CAD/CAM, labor, etc.).

Projects module
The Projects module manages your projects for you. You can enter the Tasks that need to be done to complete this Project. You can assign certain Contacts to a Task, and also the Files that will be used (Corel files, ShopBot Part files, etc.).You can see upcoming Projects or Tasks on a list view.

Emails Module
With the Emails module you can create email campaigns, groups, and mail templates. It keeps track of the emails you send from each campaign. The Emails module can only handle outgoing mail, but I think that with a bit of time, work, and using a plug-in I could make a total email program. In future versions I hope to make it so you can have multiple attachments, and add email signatures.

Most of the modules can print various reports. The things listed above don't include nearly everything. All this is combined in a graphical, easy-to-use interface.

This system will operate as a demo for 60 days. Order your license key by selecting Register Business Productivity Solution from the About and Register menu or you can wait till the demo expires. You will be told how to register when your demo expires. In the meanwhile, give me suggestions on what I could add or improve.

I have many other systems that I could integrate into this one or use as a stand-alone system if you don’t think you need this one. I have systems to track Clients, Work Requests, Tasks, Products, Documents, Time cards, E-mails, Contacts, etc. etc. etc. I also have several Calendar/Scheduling systems. And any of these could be integrated with the Business Productivity Solution. You don’t need any other software to run these systems. I can integrate any of these systems for you, or totally custom build a system at a rate of $35.00/hour, one hour minimum.

If you are interested in this system send an e-mail with "Business system" in the subject line, to obdata(at)gmail(dot)com

Jason Oberholtzer
Oberholtzer Data Solutions

01-24-2006, 10:27 AM
I just received and opened the demo. From my very early tour through the system, I find it easy to navigate and well thought out.
I'm sure other modules like A/P & A/R plus payroll and time clock would be excellent additions but this initial platform is a terrific start.
Thanks Jason

01-25-2006, 09:07 PM
If anyone missed getting the email containing the download link for the database please email again. I noticed that a few files haven't been picked up from YouSendIt.com, but it doesn't tell me whose.

02-06-2006, 02:44 PM
We will soon be done with an update to the Business Productivity Solution. Below is a list of the additions and fixes:

Version 2.1

02-15-2006, 08:31 AM
Here is an update to the list above:

1. I have added e-mail signatures so you can have multiple signatures that you can apply to messages
2. The Main Menu page has been redesigned to increase ease of use and speed of the program.
3. On Settings page I added a field where you can enter your state sales tax rate and a field where you enter your default terms of sale. Then, on the Sales Orders, the sales tax rate and terms are automatically entered instead of having to type it in.
4. Also, I added the ability to handle tax exempt customers. If the Customer is marked as exempt all his Sales Orders will automatically be created without tax.
5. The Files area has been improved some.
6. In Contacts there are buttons to get Mapquest directions to the main and second addresses.
7. I have altered the Start-up so if you are a returning user you can bypass all the setup and just import the data from the previous version and be ready to go.

I hope to have this version totally completed and thoroughly tested in a couple days.

To receive your copy of the software, send an e-mail to obdata@gmail.com (mailto:obdata@gmail.com) with "Update" in the subject line.

You get to use this program FREE for 60 days, and after that you only need to pay $35.00. Don't underestimate the abilities of this solution based on cost. Try it out, I welcome your feedback.
Also, this solution is customizable. Many suggestions will be incorporated into the standard version in future updates, others that are more specific to you, will be done as you request them.

Jason Oberholtzer

Shawn (Unregistered Guest)
03-02-2006, 12:51 PM
Anyone using this?
Do I need to install it just to check it out?
Are there screenshots, etc available somewhere?


03-06-2006, 04:31 PM
Yes, I have sold one copy, but that is because you get to use it free for 60 days, and it isn't quite 60 days since I sent out the first ones. But there are about 35 people using it.

And, yes, you need to install it to check it out, but it doesn't have a real installer, just a self-extracter, so it doesn't take very long.

I have completed ver 2.1 and have done everything listed above, plus quite a bit, especially in the Sales Orders area. Below is a link to download the file.

IMPORTANT: If you have used the other version of this software, you must be sure to open the "Update Info-README FIRST.doc" file, BEFORE you start the new system. This file is in the folder created when you run the self-extracter. After you have followed the directions in this file and are done setting up the system you can delete the old version.
If you didn't have the other version you just start it up and ignore those instructions.

If you find any bugs or have suggestions on improvments, send an e-mail to obdata@gmail.com (mailto:obdata@gmail.com?subject=Ver. 2.1 feedback).

Anyone that is interested can download from the link below.
Download this right away, because this link expires in 3 days. If you don't get it downloaded in time, send me an e-mail.

Jason Oberholtzer

03-06-2006, 04:43 PM
I just got the following error message;

This file has reached its maximum allowable downloads.

03-06-2006, 06:44 PM
Here is a new link. The one above has reached its limit on number of downloads.



03-06-2006, 09:23 PM
Here is a new link. The one above has reached its limit on number of downloads.


03-06-2006, 10:53 PM
Finally...A link to download the system that isn't limited to a certain number of downloads.

06-10-2007, 04:57 PM
Is there another link update for the download? The last one listed repeatedly results in a time out error.


06-11-2007, 11:11 PM
yes I would like it too.

06-19-2007, 10:53 AM
I'm also interested in this.