View Full Version : Exploring The Desktop

04-09-2014, 08:38 PM


20549OK I've had the DT almost 2 weeks now , I purchased just the machine , as I had a spare spindle and VFD in the shop in a box .
I made a temporary mount for the spindle , to get up and going .
I've read some about the amount of Z movement , I made my mount to attach up higher on the Z plate , My spindle is also adjustable ( this only works if spindle is round ) in the mount (about 3" up or down depending on job) Which comes in handy when using the probe or long reaching bit.
The new DT comes with 5 1/2" movement on the Z plus I can raise the spindle if needed
This is a great little machine , more to come

04-09-2014, 09:21 PM
Bob, Realize you're limited (Hah) to 5.5 Z movement, but when you have spindle slid all the way up, what do you get for distance between collet nut and T-track? How hard to adjust for Z-Plumb? Nice versatile set-up!:)

04-09-2014, 11:21 PM
That's cool, Bob. I also wanted to complement you on that cool jig you made for the bracket. I saw it in your earlier post but I forgot to mention I thought it was clever use of the side of the table.

04-10-2014, 06:55 AM
Just wonder if Bob D and B. are the only two extended Z Desktops out there right now? Or are they restricted to a 10 mile radius of the Statue of LIberty:)

04-10-2014, 07:24 AM
Scott I don't know about the 10 mile radius thing , but the distance between bottom of nut and spoil board is about 6 1/2" , add 3/4" with spoil board off. as far as plumb I checked when installed and does not seem to change sliding up and down .
Billions Thanks for the complement on the jig

04-30-2014, 04:09 PM
I extended the suction tube a few inch so I could adjust dust shoe up and down for different length bits . The hose clamp on the white PVC tube is loosened and slide dust shoe up and down ( I use no clamp at bottom of spindle ) I know my set up is a bit different but same idea could be used

04-30-2014, 06:24 PM
Bob, got my factory dustfoot maxed down on my factory spindle so my wrench barely fits(love how magnet holds wrench in place). Many benefits of round spindle:) though chinese spindle still seems a ****-shoot(you seem to have lucked out like many others-but the horror stories). Not that I love having an Italian spindle since my first and only Harley (I was 13) was a Rapido. Second bike was a Yameha-ha-ha, so solid fan of German engineering now with Beemer. Rambling! Thanks for pic! Going to have to scope out options. Velcro longer bristles or spacers.

04-30-2014, 06:46 PM
Scott If you look at the picture , I cut slot in tube for the top wrench access ,

I know a few botters have these spindles for a few years now and still running, a lot of the air cooled ones , if not programed the right way , the cooling fan does not run , and they burn up