View Full Version : So I can cut brass, but should I?
04-29-2014, 11:35 PM
I've read most of the threads and I know the Desktop can mill brass but is it worth the wear? I've seen a lot of really cheap mills on the market like the Shapeoko 2 and I could pick up one of them for this job if I needed to. For some reason I feel like I'd be using fine tailor's shears to cut wire, is that an unfounded concern?
This is the kind of stuff I'm interested in cutting.
Brady Watson
04-30-2014, 12:04 AM
Go for it. Choose 'free machining brass' to ensure success. Use a single flute spiral-O and ALWAYS ramp into the cut - never plunge straight down or drill.
You'll be real wear or tear to worry about unless you start running it like an animal. Keep your stepdown/pass depth conservative.
Also, keep the chips from collecting on the Y rails so they don't get jammed in the bearing blocks.
04-30-2014, 07:50 AM
Be interested in how you do Weston, Post pics as you go along please.
Brady or anybody, for VCarving 360 brass for branding iron I've got 3 different 60 degree Vbit geometries; straight(onsrud), ?(Centurion), ? (Vortex). Haven't bought brass but would hate to ruin a bit experimenting. Any recommendations? Will be getting spiral "O" for clearing waste. Sorry Weston, but thought you might be interested too. For this design may have to go 30 degree or smaller.
05-01-2014, 01:23 PM
Brady, researching VCarving Brass on Vectric forum and got a link that said "HERE" and got a surprising "Blast from your Past":) Well Done!
Brady Watson
05-01-2014, 02:43 PM
Thanks...hard to believe that was like 6 years ago ;)
05-02-2014, 01:20 AM
Brass often contains beryllium, which can cause heavy metal poisoning.
05-02-2014, 06:22 AM
No beryllium
05-02-2014, 06:37 AM
Weston, Was steered to here by Brady for 360 Brass, they sell 1' lengths to try:)
05-04-2014, 12:55 AM
Weston, Was steered to here by Brady for 360 Brass, they sell 1' lengths to try:)
Ohh, nice. Definitely going to try this though I'm still worried about screwing up my spindel
05-04-2014, 01:11 AM
Sounds good to go if we start easy and ramp everything. More worried about chips on rails and other places they shouldn't be. Thinking bristle or plastic enclosure mounted on spoilboard. Should be interesting.
Brady Watson
05-04-2014, 09:22 AM
Just do thoughtful part programming, erring on the side of being conservative, to reduce shock loads - or sudden entries into the material. NEVER plunge straight down or drill. If you always ramp into the cut, you'll be fine. WAY smaller pass depths than you'd think. Aim for the .01-.03" depth of cut per pass to start. Feather this depth up or down according to what the tool tells you.
Also, modify your VR so that your Slow Corner Speed is somewhere between 25-40 - modify as needed. You don't want abrupt moves, but you also don't want the cutter to dwell, gall and overheat. Cutting metals on a router requires an operator paying attention...not someone who just pushes a button and let's the drool flow. Listen to the tool...she'll tell you what to do.
Don't be skeered...just DO IT! Nobody was around to ask how to cut brass when I first did it...Experience is the BEST teacher.
05-04-2014, 09:43 AM
Brass and bits ordered. Be my first time changing VR. 2 seconds after I press "start" I'll be behind the plexi--with one hand on the spacebar and the other on my panic button. :)
05-04-2014, 08:21 PM
To add to the pot.
0flute 1/8" upcut 100 IPM straight plunge (ramping would break the bit) Widgetworks Presure foot with air nozzle to blow the chips away. .060 half hard polished brass cut face down with vacuum and edges taped.
This was done on a cheap china router and the boss wouldn't let me take the time to properly tune the machine. On a PRS this should be a breeze too.
Joseph clements
11-30-2014, 07:47 AM
I have so copper. Any thing on what bit and feed, speed to do
11-30-2014, 04:18 PM
Be interested in how you do Weston, Post pics as you go along please.
Brady or anybody, for VCarving 360 brass for branding iron I've got 3 different 60 degree Vbit geometries; straight(onsrud), ?(Centurion), ? (Vortex). Haven't bought brass but would hate to ruin a bit experimenting. Any recommendations? Will be getting spiral "O" for clearing waste. Sorry Weston, but thought you might be interested too. For this design may have to go 30 degree or smaller.
Have you ever made a branding iron out of brass? I was looking to make one and tried one but didn't have much luck. I would love to know your feeds/speeds/bits, etc.
11-30-2014, 04:41 PM
Ryan, No, never made it. Bought 360brass from McMaster-Carr and bought bits but then Kirk got laser and the branding iron took the backseat for awhile. Still panning on it but Dad has me in Button Mode for the foreseeable future.
Sorry, but lot's of info in the archives if you do a google search and you preface with"let'stalkshopbot"
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