View Full Version : Remote Pendant
04-30-2014, 04:44 PM
A friend of mine recently purchased a used Shopbot PRT Standard that is running Version 3.6.46 Software on a Compaq Laptop that is utilizing Windows 7 Home Edition operating system.
I am trying to hook up a wireless remote pendant that plugs into the USB Port for jogging around the table and other functions if possible.
There has been other threads about this subject but most of them are somewhat dated.
Ken and Brad have utilized the older wireless Logitech Wingman controllers with success. Not sure which windows operating systems they are currently using.
I am in the process of trying to locate a wireless controller for use as a pendant and would appreciate any current information that may help. i.e. brand and type and model number of controller, where to download the operating software. How to load the software and if any settings need to be activated or modified in the Shopbot software to make it work. Also would appreciate any other pertinent information that may be of help.
Thanks in advance for any and all input.
Brady Watson
04-30-2014, 05:54 PM
Path of least resistance is to get a Logitech MK520 wireless keyboard & mouse combo for around $40. Super reliable via bluetooth. If you want something smaller - you'll probably spend more & get less utility and/or reliability out of it.
04-30-2014, 11:24 PM
Hi Brady,
Many thanks for the input.
I was looking for a wireless video game controller i.e. Logitech that would allow me to move around the table when positioning an X laser while locating the X/Y Zero datum position on parts where the datum point is away from say a wireless keyboard and mouse location.
05-01-2014, 05:00 AM
Wireless Logitech RumblePad 2. Easy to setup with the 'bot and works like a charm. I've had mine for years and wouldn't be without it.
05-01-2014, 03:58 PM
Hi Adrain,
First, thanks for your valued input.
I talked to the tech support guy at Logitech this afternoon and he said that there was a possibility of disconnection if other wireless devises are nearby with the Rumblepad2. Their newer wireless F710 controller is running encrypted software on 2.4 GZ which helps with this issue. Both the RumblePad2 and the F710 support macros and both are wireless. Pricing on e-bay is around $30.00 for the F710 models with the USB 2.4 GZ receiver.
In talking with Brad, one of our shopbotters, he indicated that he even assigned one of the buttons on the controller the letter (K) which enabled him to do jogging.
Thanks to all who took the time to offer input. Once I get this working for my buddy I will do a little video and show you guys what I came up with.
05-01-2014, 04:16 PM
Never had an issue with mine with disconnects and I have several other wireless devices in the area. They are more modern ones so probably avoid the RumblePad frequency automatically.
It's amazing how much you can control with one. I use the sticks for moving around, one of the back buttons as Ctrl so I can jog while moving the stick.
Pressing one of the sticks down engages nudge mode and pressing one of the other buttons emulates shift so I can nudge in 1/10th steps with the stick.
A press of another button performs a C2 so I don't need to go back to the keyboard and I can even load and run a file with other button presses.
There are lots of posts on the forum from people using them and some have even posted their configuration files from what I remember.
Brady Watson
05-01-2014, 09:14 PM
I tried one of the RP2's back in 2005 and after a week or two it started flaking out & losing communication. You can read up on settings and things like that others use for theirs here ( I gave up on 900MHz & 2.4GHz devices because there is just too much electrical noise from all the motors running in the shop to be reliable. I have found the Logitech bluetooth kb & mouse to be totally rock solid. It's nothing to grab the kb and plop it down on the table while doing critical alignment or just running C2 etc. In fact, it is easier to use one handed than a Rumblepad.
FYI - ShopBot had a 'remote pendant' all the way back in the late 90s. It was corded. They both sold it as an accessory & also gave you a parts list to get the components to build your own from Radio Shack. It only allowed one axis to move at a time & you had to cycle through the axes to get the one you wanted. It was simple & worked. I think I have one laying around here in the spares aisle.
Also, those with keen eyes may note a checkbox in keypad mode that is labelled 'remote'. This can be selected and you can use the mouse to toggle through axes and move them + or -, just like the original corded pendant.
I had often considered making a real manual pulse generating pendant for the ShopBot, but it would be expensive and time it's wireless keyboard for me. (Everybody knows how cheap Shopbotters I could never sell them! LOL!)
See if the RP works for you in your shop. Turn everything on...and move, jog etc. That's really the only way to tell if it will work for you. As a word to the wise - keep the e-stop handy. You may need it. Mine use to run away and not respond to kb commands using the RP2.
05-01-2014, 10:35 PM
I can concur with Brady. I used to have one, but it has a new home now. If you didn't cycle the joy sticks initially to get them centered/orientated, it would keep moving and not stop until you did. It also tried to drill through my spoilboard with my 1.5 planer bit!
I've recently been using a Logitech K400 ( and kind of like it. It's small enough to not get in the way on the table (5.5" x 14"), light weight for holding one handed, has a touchpad with left/right buttons along with a left click button on the top left corner of the keyboard. Uses the FN key (or Alt) and arrows for page up/down. Best of both full keyboard and mouse in one unit, all SB functions with no programming of macros for buttons. I just need a large screen monitor/TV on the wall behind the bot now. My only complaint would be that the symbols on the keys are a bit shiny and at some light angles are hard to see.
Brady, I used to have (made it per the plans) one of those old pendants too! Must have let it go with my old machine cause I don't have a clue where it is. Your description just rang a bell. :)
Brady Watson
05-01-2014, 11:02 PM
I've recently been using a Logitech K400 ( ...
I can dig it! I saw one of those in BB and passed it up. Might not be a bad addition to the Desktop...
05-02-2014, 04:23 AM
Yes, you do have to cycle the sticks through their range before moving the 'bot but I just treat that as part of the checks I do every time I start up.
You can avoid using the sticks and use the pad for X/Y movement and the right hand buttons for Z movements. They work without a "warmup".
I did stop using mine for a while when I went to a touch screen (I need to get another one as I loved using that) but when that broke the RumblePad came out again.
05-02-2014, 08:28 AM
Hi Adrain,
Can you make combined X/Y movement with the joystick or do you have to do them individually in SB3 software?
Brady Watson
05-02-2014, 09:05 AM
You can program it to 'send keys' / or \ to move XY simultaneously. (and +Alt & +Ctrl)
05-09-2014, 09:43 PM
I won an E-Bay auction last night for a Logitech F710 Wireless controller. Hopefully, I will get it next week and see how it works.
05-22-2014, 09:01 PM
I finally received my Logitech F710 Controller.
I have been able to assign keystrokes to buttons i.e. K on the controller and even make commands that involve multiply keystrokes i.e. C3 with no problem.
I don't quite understand how to assign the (already recorded) up-down, left-right arrow keys to the right joy stick for X and Y movements and assign the page-up, page-down (already recorded) keystrokes to the left joy stock for Z Axis movement.
Any input or links that show how this is done would be appreciated. Any samples i.e. screen shorts of items any of you have programmed into your controllers would also re appreciated.
05-22-2014, 11:57 PM
Found this on line and have used it many time with out problems from my android phone. It is also available for IPhone.
I like it and it was only $3.99.
Here is a youtube video to give some insight.
05-23-2014, 01:09 AM
I have the Android App, and it seems pretty flaky to me - of course, that might just be my wireless network, though everything else works, ok.
It's been awhile - let me dig up the programming manual, or just Google it. I'll let you know what I remember! :rolleyes:
05-23-2014, 07:14 AM
Hi Guys,
First thanks for your valued input.
I am trying to program the D Pad on the left side of the controller for X and Y table movement utilizing Key Assignments and POV commands.
I have attached a few pictures to show you what I am doing. Am I on the right track?
My goal would be to make single moves or combined X & Y moves depending on the direction the D Pad is pushed.
I have attached a couple of screenshots so you can see what I have done.
Not close to router at this time. Will visit my friends shop today and load these Key and POV Assignments.
05-23-2014, 08:15 AM
N, S, E and W need to be associated with the relevant cursor key.
NW would be Alt \, NE /, SW Alt / and SE \
There's a keyboard shortcut PDF on the SB3 help menu which is invaluable when setting one of these up.
05-23-2014, 05:34 PM
Hi Adrainm.
Thanks for the tip on Diagonal Axis Movement. Now I see what Brady was talking about.
I just tried your suggestion. The SE and NE worked fine. The NW and SW that utilized the Alt Key and the \ or / keys. I tried entering a command with alt Key and the / or \ Key and that didn't work. Then I tried the recording Holding down the Alt key and they pressing the / or \ key. That didn't work either.
Also, I would like be able to close the K dialog box. I was told the ESC key would do it. When I try to record the ESC key it doesn't work. Is there some type of key combination that will allow this to work?
On the success side of the story, I get excellent results on the SE, NE, N, S, E and W commands. I am also able to toggle the jog speed button on the K dialog box and toggle to fixed distance if needed.
If anyone has any ideas how to program Alt / for SW movement and Alt \ for NW movement and the ESC key please let me know.
05-24-2014, 03:36 AM
There are two ways of assigning keystrokes to a button. One is as a single keypress and one is as a series of recorded keystrokes. Can't remember which it is but only one works with special keys such as Esc.
With the alt, ctrl and shift keys I assigned those as buttons on the back of the controller rather than embedding them as part of a sequence. I then held them down while performing the other action on the pad etc. Handy for switching between move and jog with ctrl.
I never bothered with programming the diagonal movements as my alpha jogs so fast there was little point.
05-26-2014, 08:32 AM
If anyone is running a Logitech Rumblepad and is willing to share their (Game Profile) i.e. Shopbot control I would appreciate a copy. The Logitech Profiler has the ability to Export your file and save it. You can post them here or send me a private message and we can make arrangements for the transfer.
I would like to put a video together showing the different items that can be controlled via the Logitech wireless controllers and share it with my Shopbot buddies.
Thanks again for all your help. I know my friend will appreciate all your efforts in making his new to him Shopbot PRT Standard even better that what it is.
05-26-2014, 10:00 AM
05-26-2014, 11:38 AM
Hi Adrian,
Thanks for the link.
05-27-2014, 08:43 PM
First, many thanks to all of you guys that helped me with this project.
I have attached the necessary setup files for the Logitech F710 Wireless controller and the .XML file (Toms Shopbot) It contains all the assigned key strokes, commands and POV's that I utilized in my setup.
The setup allows you to setup a Profile i.e. Toms Shopbot and assign keystrokes, commands and POV's on your Shopbot Router via the Logitech F710 Wireless Controller.
The Logitech Profiler allows you to run Shopbot i.e. SB3 software within Profiler thereby being able to assign your favorite keystrokes and macros to buttons on the Logitech F710 Wireless controller. I have found this controller and associated software very helpful in setup operations on the Shopbot.
I helped my friend Tom setup his Shopbot router. ie. installing e-chain/cable management system, re-installing the proximity switches, installing an X Laser setup for establishing X - Y Zero Datum positions at different locations of the router table. He is pretty happy with his new to him Shopbot 48 X 96 PRT Standard CNC Router.
I hope to document this via a Youtube video in the near future. Hopefully it may provide assistance to other Shopboters in the future.
Note: You will need to change the .txt suffix to .xml on Toms Shopbot file.
05-27-2014, 09:46 PM
Here is a video on the Cable Management System and Super PID Speed Control for Tom's Router.
07-05-2015, 09:21 PM
Thanks for the F710 setup info. I picked up a new unit today at local computer store for about $34 us.
Initially I had a lot of problems getting my old Win XP machine to recognize it correctly so that the profiler software could find it. I saw comments on a gaming forum about using Microsoft's XBox controller software to make it work and after downloading and installing it from microsoft, I can finally get the Logitech software to work correctly and see the controller. I have yet to configure all the buttons but a quick test of setting up a K on a button to bring up the jog panel worked OK so its just a matter of programming the rest with suitable functions to suit my setup.
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