View Full Version : 4G Board Upgrade Speeds

David Iannone
05-19-2014, 04:37 PM
I just finished upgrading my 2001 PRT with the 4G board......WOW it just sounds so much better. Only question so far it jog speeds. It defaults to x,y jog at 6 and z at 4. (I dont even want to move z as fast as 4 anyway.)

Is that all I can go? I thought I could do 10 in x,y.
When I change the jog speed to 10, and hit "k" to move machine, it still reverts back to 6 as soon as I hit a direction key. Is 6 the fastest I can jog?

Just put a call into shopbot, but thought I might get a faster response on the forum.

David Iannone
05-19-2014, 05:03 PM
Ok, just did a test cut of circles and squares into spoilboard to make sure unit values are still good. (they are)

I had it cut at 10ips and the control software had it at 10ips (only cut .05 deep)
I just cant get it to manually jog past 6????

05-19-2014, 05:25 PM
JX 10 will do it...but keypad is limited by defaults