View Full Version : IWF Atlanta 2014!

05-26-2014, 10:16 PM
So it looks like I got green lighted to attend this years IWF in Atlanta, August 20-23.

My wife actually suggested I better go and enjoy the show before our baby boy arrives in Sept!

I'm actually looking to purchase a new edge bander so I am pumped to go.

Two years ago, trying to meet up with fellow Shopbotters pretty much fell through for some reason.

So, I will try again... if anyone is attending the show and wants to meet up and cruise the aisles, grab lunch or dinner, etc just post here and we can try and meet up.

I plan to fly down Thursday the 21, and get some of the afternoon in, and then all day Friday and Saturday - traveling home Sunday.


05-27-2014, 09:25 AM
I'm going with several colleagues. We're driving in from Memphis.

05-27-2014, 09:49 AM
I live about 4 miles from the convention space so this is an easy one to attend
It would be nice figure out a time to get together

06-05-2014, 09:55 PM
257 views and only 2 comments - and no one is interested in having a coffee even? That is too bad... but similar to what I experienced last time.

I'm planning to attend a few courses as well, registered for two currently. One is being given by a fellow SHopbotter - David Buchsbaum.

06-05-2014, 10:04 PM
Andrew , have you recieved your scanner yet

06-05-2014, 10:06 PM
Andrew , have you recieved your scanner yet

No but I see they charged my credit card yesterday so I will assume it must have shipped yesterday or today. I hope to have it in a week (approx time it takes for USPS parcel to get to me). They said about 3 week delivery, and it is indeed three weeks! Look forward to it...

You going to the IWF show Gene?

06-05-2014, 11:02 PM
257 views and only 2 comments - and no one is interested in having a coffee even? That is too bad... but similar to what I experienced last time.

I'm planning to attend a few courses as well, registered for two currently. One is being given by a fellow SHopbotter - David Buchsbaum.

You posted this 4 days after I had just driven thru Atlanta rush hour traffic, in full size truck with 7x12 v-neck trailer, and the thought of going back to Atlanta made me shudder.

Maybe by the time this rolls around I'll have forgotten how bad the traffic is there and will head on down.

06-06-2014, 07:23 AM
I hate the convention center there as I used to have to set up trade show booths there. Spent 12 hours sitting in the truck waiting to get a dock site one time then got bitched out by the guy that was in charge of the marshalling yard because I was late getting back to weigh in even though he was the one that held me at the yard in the first place.

Mark Farris
06-06-2014, 07:30 AM
I plan on being there Friday and possibly Saturday morning. I would enjoy meeting you and spend some time walking the floor with you. I have only missed one show since the early 90's. I was looking forward to meeting you at the Aspire camp this year but had to pull out for personal reasons. I haven't decided if I'm coming in Thursday night or driving up early Friday morning. I'll try sending you a PM with my contact information.


06-06-2014, 09:01 PM
Andrew - I live in Atlanta and plan to be there. Like Mark, I've only missed one since the early 90's. I 'intended' to attend the meet and greet at David's last time, primarily to meet you. But alas, I made a wrong turn, it got late, I got frustrated with myself and came home. I don't know what day(s) I will be there but can be flexible.

06-06-2014, 09:28 PM
Jim and Mark - will try and meet up. Jim if you want, PM me your cell # and I can send you mine.

06-22-2014, 09:26 PM
I will not be in Atlanta for the show but I am here right now (on our annual summer road trip). On our quest for some good food we made it to the Virginia Highlands neighborhood and stumbled onto the Highland Woodworking (http://www.highlandwoodworking.com) store. What a fabulous place. I could spend a fortune there if I had it. That is to Rockler like a fashion boutique compared to Walmart. I live in L.A. but don't think we have a place like that. If you live in Atlanta you probably know this store but I was impressed.

06-23-2014, 03:53 AM
If you make it up to central virginia i'm in charlottesville. Lots of historical stuff here, Monticello, thomas jeffersons home, university of va, ect:D

06-25-2014, 10:00 PM
If you make it up to central virginia i'm in charlottesville. Lots of historical stuff here, Monticello, thomas jeffersons home, university of va, ect:D

Well, that may be the next vacation. This time we do a loop from Nashville through TN, GA, SC, NC, KY and back. We may touch the west-most sliver of Virginia at the Cumberland Gap, though. Was thinking of visiting Eugene King but turned out he is in Pikesville, not Pinesville, KY and that is a bit out of our way. But as he wrote in another post he is preparing for a show that day, anyway.

So far pretty good trip. I expected hot and humid weather but it is a little worse than I thought. I promise not to complain about California summer heat again.

06-26-2014, 01:25 AM
So far pretty good trip. I expected hot and humid weather but it is a little worse than I thought. I promise not to complain about California summer heat again.

Really not been that bad a summer so far here in NC, but I'd advise getting out of here before the end of July and August rolls around, thats when the heat and humidity really get going.

07-01-2014, 03:29 PM
I'll be there for sure, not sure which day(s) yet. I'm generally easy to spot, blue shirt, Habitat For Bats logo on it, probably be wearing my black cowboy hat, being chased by security... oh, that was last time, I'll try to avoid that this time. :D

07-20-2014, 10:15 PM
Sorry I've been out of touch. I'll be hosting another informal get-together at our new shop and showroom Wed evening August 20 from about 7-9PM. Andrew maybe you can change your reservation? That would be very unfortunate if you would have to miss it but I have other events to attend the other nights of the show.

Please send me an email if you think you can make it and I will send out details as we get a little closer. We have a new address, which you may or may not find by searching, so make sure to get the official address and directions by letting me know you are coming.

07-22-2014, 01:48 PM
Sorry I've been out of touch. I'll be hosting another informal get-together at our new shop and showroom Wed evening August 20 from about 7-9PM. Andrew maybe you can change your reservation? That would be very unfortunate if you would have to miss it but I have other events to attend the other nights of the show.

Please send me an email if you think you can make it and I will send out details as we get a little closer. We have a new address, which you may or may not find by searching, so make sure to get the official address and directions by letting me know you are coming.

I'm currently on holidays, camping without email or internet (just irregular phone connection) But I'll check when I return if I can change my flight to Wednesday and stay one more day. My wife is ok with it. But she'll be 3 weeks before due date and I don't want to push my luck :)

I'll be in touch. Would love to see your shop. Then I could also sign up for Jim McGrews talk Wednesday afternoon as well.

08-15-2014, 08:10 PM
The offer is still open to anyone who might be in the Atlanta area next Wed evening, Aug 20. In fact, it's gotten a little sweeter, CabinetVision has offered to treat everyone to a BBQ dinner from Shane's Rib Shack (http://www.shanesribshack.com/).

So if you will be in or near Atl next week, come hungry, but please do let me know if you are coming so we can make sure to have enough for everyone.

Feel free to text or leave a message if it looks like you can make it. 404 309-9146

Tim Lucas
08-17-2014, 09:45 AM
We will be in Atlanta - so looking forward to it - if we can we may stop in for a rib, I will confirm with text and to get address. Thanks:)

08-19-2014, 10:56 PM
Haven't heard the location on this yet. Did sent a text msg the other day.

08-21-2014, 10:12 PM
Enjoyed meeting some of you guys at the IWF! I'm humbled that so many of you felt it worthwhile to say hello to myself and my wife. I must be easy to spot, I think I heard "hey, you're the bat guy" about every 5th isle today.

Nice show and you could spend all three days and not see everything. The ShopBot booth was nice and I really thought the little portable bot was cool. I won't be able to go back though, I'll be back to building bat houses Friday and Saturday.


08-21-2014, 10:40 PM
I was there today as well but didn't see you that I know of. Did get to talk to Andrew Coholic on the phone but didn't get to meet him. : (:(
Didn't get to David's open house either if it actually did happen. Never got details for location. Maybe next time.

08-22-2014, 08:29 AM
Yep, I recognized Andrew immediately. He looks just like his avatar! :-)

08-22-2014, 06:30 PM
Yep, I recognized Andrew immediately. He looks just like his avatar! :-)

I feel like my avatar some days too, lol :D

Second day at the show was great. Tomorrow I'll check out the hardware/materials hall. Three days is going to be just about right for me to see everything I wanted too.