View Full Version : Z-zero Plate

05-30-2014, 08:30 PM
Hi I ran into a problem today with my Z-zero Plate normally when I click on the icon to Zero the Z axis it just starts moving the Z axis until it hits the Z-zero Plate but now it ask to move to the preferred start position which X 5.0, Y 5.0 off of X 0.0, Y 0.0 position. how can I change this back to what it was before?

its never done this before

thanks for the help

Brady Watson
05-30-2014, 09:00 PM
Run the TS command and put in the settings you want. Personally, I recommend skipping the option to go to the same XY location to Zzero, as you will soon find that it is not practical most of the time. Move the tool where YOU want to Zzero and then C2 (or click on the button).


05-31-2014, 12:33 AM
thank you Brady for the hep as always :)

05-31-2014, 09:04 AM
Adam, It also helps sometimes (Ala Brady) to Z in the same exact position on the piece if you're using multiple bits and Z is critical. We move to where we want and then use the "radio" button presets and save that position. Also Z-plate is marked so we always hit the same spot. Thanks Brady.