View Full Version : Missing files mentioned in Quick STart Guide

06-29-2014, 08:59 PM
Been wracking my brain on this one...

The Destkop Quick Start Guide and the training videos reference some files in

c:\sbparts\Quick STart Guide

I do not have that folder, I have installed, uninstalled, reinstalled sB Control software (from USB stick), the "Carving quick STart (DVD) and I still can't find those files..

any help appreciated

06-29-2014, 09:42 PM
Pat, do know the titles of any of the files? I've rearranged stuff, but I can look in the morning. Tried to send whole .zip but of course it won't eat it 6+mb. and I'm not positive it's what you need.

06-29-2014, 10:16 PM
A zip of the "C:\sbpart\Quick Setup Guide" folder...
Looks like it contains....

"Basic Deck Rabbet Profile.sbp"

also the video at

At time 0:45s shows all kinds of goodies in there..

It Is referencing... yet another set of files that I don't have....

-- pat

06-29-2014, 11:15 PM
A zip of the "C:\sbpart\Quick Setup Guide" folder...
Looks like it contains....

-- pat

I don't even have that folder in my install

06-30-2014, 05:05 AM
Yep, got it tucked in my reference folder. 6.5mb. Anybody needs it, go to my profile page and send me a message via e-mail,and give me yours, and I'll shoot it to you. Also have a bunch of .pdf's I've sifted out covering such things as; basic deck construction,comm triage,UD diagnostics,static reduction,info on bits etc.,I can .zip for you. Let me know if you want both, or just the Quick start .zip