View Full Version : Just for fun

07-26-2014, 04:58 PM
well I decided to make these after someone asked me if it was possible for my ShopBot to make models.
which got me thinking if I could.

here is what I made.
took me about a week for both models.

The first one is 3 pieces
The second one is 9 pieces




here are some photos on models being made.

IMG_20140712_134015.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140712_134015.jpg)

IMG_20140712_141711.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140712_141711.jpg)

IMG_20140712_142541.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140712_142541.jpg)

IMG_20140712_142556.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140712_142556.jpg)

IMG_20140712_174018.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140712_174018.jpg)

IMG_20140712_174023.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140712_174023.jpg)

IMG_20140712_181346.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140712_181346.jpg)

IMG_20140713_112502.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140713_112502.jpg)

IMG_20140713_113028.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140713_113028.jpg)

IMG_20140714_151728.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140714_151728.jpg)

IMG_20140715_110452.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140715_110452.jpg)

IMG_20140715_113152.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140715_113152.jpg)

IMG_20140715_115958.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140715_115958.jpg)

IMG_20140715_122158.jpg (http://www.mechlinkv3.net/downloads/projects/starwars/IMG_20140715_122158.jpg)

Kyle Stapleton
07-26-2014, 08:42 PM
Nice, when I have time I plan on doing a Han Solo.

Chuck Keysor
07-27-2014, 02:46 PM
Adam, that is cool. It reminds me that when I was a kid in the 60's, my grandparents had maybe 15 wooden airplane models hanging in their attic, that my dad had made in the late 1930's. They were all painted, with decals, wires and all. I assume they were made from kits. But all wood, and really sharp looking. When it came time to help move my grandparents out of their house in the 1970's the models were gone, :( and my grandmother was surprised that I had wanted them! :confused: So anyway, you have historic precedent for making wooden models of flying machines! Chuck

07-27-2014, 03:01 PM
Thanks, I made these mainly to play with the machine and the software, most likely they will just sit on the shelf for looks or give them as presents.

I am working a pirate ship but its a while off before I start on it.